News  #  2044
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7 Safar 1446 AH - August 11 2024 Issue # 6, Newsletter #2044

Scroll down for report on the job situation in the US by Sr. Aisha , and an article on hadith by Sr. Yasmin

Two Transformations which the Enemies of Islam did not Expect

The world is changing. Even the enemies of Islam were surprised at what is happening. The dastardly Netanyahu railed in his address before the US Congress about all of Iran's supposed inequities. He even claimed without any evidence that the student demonstrations on US campuses are financed by Iran.

Every day, Israel bombs Palestinian villages and towns, and kills people in hospitals, schools, and nurseries; and destroy businesses. In fact, as recently as August 9, the Israelis carried out a massacre of 100 young people in a school where they had taken shelter. The bombing goes on, the world looks on, and makes no effort to stop it.

First Transformation: Emergence of Yahya Sinwar

The only ray of hope is the emergence of a new leader. Newly elected Hamas head Yahya Sinwar has said that Israel must withdraw from Palestine. In turn, the Israelis want to kill him and have tried many times. They have even announced that they have killed him, which turned out to be false. Yahya Sinwar is defiant and is organizing the resistance. He is not leaving Palestine. He is not leaving even Gaza.

One thing New Trend readers may not realize is that Israel first took the northern part of Palestine, which includes Tel Aviv and Haifa and set up a puppet regime on what they call the West Bank. From there, they send Zionist settlers to set up encampments from which to further invade the West Bank. They thus erode the Palestinian character of the West Bank, and violate US and international law. Then they took Gaza, bombing it to terrorize the people and force them to leave. But the Gazans have nowhere to go.

The Zionist regime is terrifying the people of the West Bank. Thousands of people in the West Bank, who are not fighters, have been arrested by Israel. (International media put the number at 9,600.) In the West Bank, young people who are opposed to Israel face death, injury, or arrest. In this fashion, Israel is gradually taking over the West Bank. The West Bank is thus becoming part of Israel. In fact, Netanyahu announced that the West Bank is actually a part of Israel.

The main person who knew how to deal diplomatically with Israel, Haniyeh. was killed in Iran. Islamic Jihad and many smaller groups are resisting Israel. In the middle of all this is Yahya Sinwar. He is bringing all these groups together. And the Israelis want to kill him. However, if Israel succeeds in killing him, another Yahya will emerge. The Palestinian resistance cannot be defeated by killing their leaders. The Israelis think that because they killed Haniyeh in a very clever way, they will be able to undermine the unity of Palestinian resistance. That's where Yahya Sinwar comes in. Not only he wants Palestinians to fight back unitedly, he says there is no way he will accept the power of Israel. Thus the main force fighting back against Israel now is Yahya Sinwar.

In the meantime, the new Jewish American leader, Kamala Harris, has given $3.6 million dollars in the middle of the war.

Second Transformation: Removal of a Female Dictator

In Bangladesh, President Hasina first tried to shoot down the student protesters, imposed curfew on the whole country, and arrested several thousand youths. The military was called in, but did not take any action. Hasina didn't know how to crush the students.

Even injured student leaders in their hospital beds were arrested. However, the student movement increased in numbers and violated the curfew orders, and started moving towards Hasina's presidential residence. As the masses were coming to arrest Hasina, she fled in a military helicopter. The crowds beat up her supporters, and destroyed her father's statue with hammer blows. Entrances into Bangladesh from India have been stopped by the military. Hindus who were profiting from the Bangladesh economy are complaining persistently that they're losing business. The top scientific person, Nobel

Peace Laureate Muhammad Yunus in Bangladesh has been announced as the next president.

What was the force behind these events? Few people know. Even the young women protesting were wearing the hijab. That gives a hint of the real spiritual strength of Bangladesh.

Here is the overview of a New Trend observer who visited Bangladesh three times. (He did not meddle in its politics.)
What caused Bangladesh to Change
By Kaukab Siddique

First Visit

After the 1971 civil war, things had settled down, but those who knew me were still concerned about my safety. The plane was over one hour late. My pen friends in Dhaka had waited for a long while, but then had gone home. I spotted a motor rickshaw driver and gave him the address. The destination was in an unlighted alley.

As the rickshaw rattled off, another person jumped onto the side of the vehicle. Now I was worried. Suddenly he told me in Urdu language that his brother was in Karachi.

On my return, I did a little research and found that there are more than 500,000 Bengalis in Karachi. They had crossed over 100,000 miles of Hindu India to reach Muslim Pakistan.

The next day my friends found me. They were poets, writers, and organizers of religious charities. I was taken by boat from city to city. I was considered their relative in Islam. They insisted on feeding me. Like Pathans, if I did not eat what they offered, they considered me unhappy or even angry with them.

During my second visit, one major city I visited was Pabna. I was there with my wife. We stopped at a big madrassa (Muslim religious school). Word spread that my wife was with me, and that she was African-American and had embraced Islam. Suddenly everyone got up. They were chanting:


It was all in recognition of the American who had come to the Deen.

We went to Comilla, where young people were playing cricket; and then all the way south to Chittagong.

One aspect is common to all of Bangladesh. The country has suffered terribly from storms and hurricanes. Homes, small shops, tea shops were destroyed. But in each division and each city, the people cared for and maintained the central mosque, built with the strongest material. Frequently, these were the only structure strong enough to withstand the ravages of weather and the ongoing rain. The people were proud of their mosques.

The third time I visited Bangladesh, it was via Cox's bazaar. The route traversed some of the world's most beautiful beaches. I wanted to see what had been done to help the refugees from Burma, the Rohingyas, driven out from their homes by Buddhists who are fanatics, but are seen as the prototype of peace by many Americans.

The river edge where the refugee boats had arrived was about 2,000 feet below where our road ended.

Jumu'ah at Masjid Fatimah (Catonsville)

Due to illness, it was the editor's first Jumu'ah in months. It was therefore a great and uplifting event for him. Because of his health condition, he appeared in a wheelchair. Alhamdulillah, this small community mosque had a wheelchair ramp, and he was able to enter the mosque without any difficulty.

The khutbah at Masjid Fatimah is partly in Urdu, partly in Arabic. The imam began with the example of a child whose family had died. He related that three of the Prophet's (SAW) companions (RA) were arguing with each other about who would assume responsibility for the child. The Prophet (SAW) looked at them, and said it should be Jaafar (RA), because he is the one who has the ability, time, and resources to take charge of the child. In other words, the community must be involved and engaged and give help where help is needed.

The imam pointed out that the masjid is not solely for praying. It should be the center of the community. If you come to the masjid, he suggested, you should share your expertise with community members; you should show how much you cherish your community.

It was unusual to hear an imam focus on things outside of mere ritual.

Corporate Posting of Fake Job Listings

By Sr. 'Aisha

Jamaat al-Muslimeen New York City

Fake job listings are on the rise. They are different from job scams, but not by much. In both cases, there is no job available, and the job seeker's valuable time is wasted. Scammers use fake job ads to collect personal information and/or money from unsuspecting job seekers.

The purpose of fake job listings is for either staffing agencies or corporations to build up a pool of qualified candidates to contact should an opening for that job occur. Many of these jobs are real, but they are currently filled. The reason these fake job listings exist for very real jobs is that these jobs tend to have high turnover or people leaving them after a short period.

A cashier is an example of a high turnover job. People usually work as cashiers for no more than six months.

However, many of these fake job listings are for higher-paying, more desirable positions, such as managerial or technological positions. People have stated that they have actually been invited to multiple interviews only to be ignored (or ghosted).

I have experienced this same "phenomenon," except I was not interviewed. A few months later, the same company contacted me and asked me to apply for the same position, only to be ghosted again. Very frustrating!

Employers could use this maneuver to demonstrate their control over the workforce after the Great Resignation and Quietly Quitting events. Artificial intelligence is now responsible for scanning and analyzing resumes, not humans. Qualified candidates are judged based on their choice of keywords rather than subjective qualifications.

It is time for people to learn how to create jobs for themselves. Learn a skill that people are willing to pay a lot of money for and charge people (clients) a fee for it. The Gig Economy is an effort for people to take control over their lives rather than depend on a mercurial job search process.

Guidance From Sr. Yasmin
He Answers a Hundred Times "Here I am" (Beautiful)
The Awakening - By Mevlana Rumi (R)

All night, a man called "Allah"
Until his lips were bleeding.
Then the Devil said, "Hey! Mr. Gullible!
How comes you've been calling all night
And never once heard Allah say, "Here, I am"?

You call out so earnestly and, in reply, what?
I'll tell you what. Nothing!"

The man suddenly felt empty and abandoned.
Depressed, he threw himself on the ground
And fell into a deep sleep.
In a dream, he met Abraham, who asked...

"Why are you regretting praising Allah?"
The man said, "I called and called
But Allah never replied, "Here I am."
Abraham explained, "Allah has said,
"Your calling my name is My reply.
Your longing for Me is My message to you.
All your attempts to reach Me
Are in reality My attempts to reach you.
Your fear and love are a noose to catch Me.
In the silence surrounding every call of "Allah"
Waits a thousand replies of
"Here I am."

Source: Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi

Each moment contains a hundred messages from God to every cry of "Oh God"

HE answers a hundred times


2024-08-12 Mon 01:44:05 GMT/UTC/Zulu