News  #  2045
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14 Safar 1446 AH - August 18 2024 Issue # 7, Newsletter #2045

Scroll down for report on "Black Expatriates" by Sr. Aisha , and an article on hadith by Sr. Yasmin

Editorial by Kaukab Siddique

Iran Turned out to Be a Paper Tiger

Hamas has been fighting Israel for ten months. Israel is supporting the U.S. with a steady flow of weapons and money. In fact, as recently as August 14, Israel received $20 billion from the Harris-Biden administration.

Israel bombs Gaza every day. It has killed about 400,000 Palestinians, mostly civilians, including 200,000 children and 500,000 women.

Iran presents itself as the protector and supporter 0f Palestine. In keeping with this, the top leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh was invited to Iran as a guest of honor. While he was in Iran he was assassinated by Israel.

As usual, Iran promised speedy retaliation and revenge. The Islamic Republic held funeral prayers for the martyred Hamas leader. But, since then, it has done next to nothing to carry out its promise. To understand why, New Trend readers should know:

  1. After the assassination, Iran carried out haram activity. It sought advice from unbelievers, the enemies of Islam.

  2. These enemies advised Iran to cool it. And Iran did so.

  3. Iran has some Sunni populations in the southeast and northwest of its territory, and has often repressed them.

  4. ISIS is active in Iran. When the U.S. and its allies, along with Shia militias were fighting ISIS, Iran actively helped them destroy Mosul, and other cities under ISIS control.

  5. Earlier this year, ISIS attacked a large Shia gathering near Mashad and inflicted heavy casualties. This was comparable to the ISIS attack in Moscow which inflicted heavy losses in revenge for Russian attacks on Chechnia.

The reality is that Iran cannot support Hamas. Its rhetoric about Hamas is misleading and sometimes downright deceitful. In the meantime, Palestinians are being killed, bombed, maimed, and otherwise terrorized on a daily basis.

Pakistan Day: What Pakistanis Should know About It

The Muslims used to rule over India. They were very tolerant and well behaved. They did not force anyone to convert to Islam. Many of the grandest monuments were built by Muslims with the help of Hindus.

The idea of Pakistan was realized by Iqbal. If there was to be democracy in India, every time there was a vote, the Muslims would be defeated, since numbers count. Iqbal explained there should be self-rule. There were Muslims scattered across India, who should be united, and a new nation formed.

Because Iqbal was a dreamer and a poet, he attracted a great deal of support. And Pakistan became a living ideal, an idea for Muslims to follow and aspire to.

Because of Iqbal, Pakistan gradually became the idea espoused by the broad masses of Pakistani Muslims. However, they did not have the expertise to know how to deal with the legalities of creating a state. This is where Jinnah's legal expertise came in. The British were not able to fool the Muslims with their one-sided plan of Partition.

After Iqbal's death, no one of his caliber remained to lead the Muslims. However, Islamic scholars like Syed Abul A'la Maudoodi and other internationalist scholars accepted the idea of Pakistan. And Pakistan became the slogan and rallying point of the Muslims. So, wherever the slogan of Pakistan was raised, the Muslim masses supported it. Even in areas under the control of the Indian Congress, a secular group, Muslims supported the idea of Pakistan.

Unfortunately, soon after Pakistan was created, its leaders died. Some say they were killed. Until now, it has not been discovered who was behind the killing. Liaquat Ali Khan, the first Prime Minister, was assassinated, and no one knew who did it.

So, the country fell into the clutches of the secularists, who were in the habit of following the British. Pakistan was on the path of becoming a secularist country. But that would have been a betrayal of the Muslim masses. That's where Maudoodi played a key role. He said: If this is going to be a Muslim country, you must declare that no law will ever be made which goes against Qur'an and hadith.

Maudoodi went to prison for that. The Islamic scholar was held by the Pakistani government, and even sentenced to death. It was only through the machinations of political infighting that he was released.

Gradually, the party he organized, Jamaat-I-Islami, became the main force in Pakistan. And that was even though it initially was not large in numbers. So, all over the country, the ideas of Maudoodi spread. The broad masses of Pakistani Muslims were in agreement with him, that it was not right to make laws contravening Islam in a nation founded on Islam.

He was repeatedly imprisoned. His entire Shura was imprisoned. But he would not relent.

An assassin was sent to kill him. In the middle of a public meeting, suddenly the assassin got up, fired at Maudoodi, and missed. Maudoodi's supporters shouted at him to sit down. He said, "If I sit down, who will keep standing?"

The ideas of Maudoodi are now part of every Pakistani's psyche. Even the secularists say no laws against Islam should be made. For example, Bhutto, an arch-secularist, declared that Qadianis (Ahmadiyyas) were not Muslims. And Pakistan made it unlawful for Qadianis to declare that they are Muslims.

However, there is a constant struggle between secularists and Islamists, and all the famous scholars of Pakistan respect Maudoodi, although they may not agree with him. Pakistan is a very strange country. It is deeply Islamic at heart, but is in a state of constant internal struggle on whether, and to what extent to follow the actual teachings of Islam.

When India attacked Pakistan in 1965, Maudoodi was called upon by the Pakistani government to speak to the people. He was in prison at the time. But he went on Pakistan radio, and said it is the duty of every Muslim to defend Pakistan against India. And, at least partly as a result of Maudoodi's famous address on Pakistan radio, India could not win, even though they had overwhelming odds in their favor.

Today Pakistan is facing the same dichotomy as in its history: The secularists want it to be a secular country, and, with overseas support, they're getting stronger. Islamic people are getting stronger all over Pakistan and teaching children that Islam is the Way. Many people in Pakistan supported the Afghans who were fighting against the U.S. In that 20-year war, many of the ideas of Maudoodi were used to fight U.S. imperialism. It is the hope of this writer that all Pakistanis will stand for Islam, the Islam of the Qur'an and authentic hadith. If they do that, they will be victorious, inshallah.

What about the Muslims of India?

There are about 200 million Muslims in India. But they seem to be helpless, and at the mercy of the Hindus. They are mistreated, despised, and scorned as if they have done something wrong merely by being Muslim. That is why Quaid-i-Azam (Muhammad Ali Jinnah) understood that Muslims had to separate from India. Here are some important points to note in trying to understand the situation of Indian Muslims:

  1. The same Indian army, which fought for the British in the Second World War, has invaded and captured Kashmir, a Muslim country. The Indian army terrorizes Kashmiri Muslims on a daily basis, a stark reminder to India's own Muslim population of what can be done to them.

  2. The ruling Hindus have also done terrible things to their own people. They attack Sikhs who want autonomy. Harsh anti-Terror laws directed at Sikhs were implemented in Indian Punjab, and as a result, many innocent Sikhs have been jailed and tortured.

  3. They also subverted and undermined the Muslims of Bengal, who supported the creation of Pakistan. Hindu India indoctrinated them with the idea that Pakistan is their enemy. As a result, the Bengalis invited the Indian Army to impose a pro-India government in their country (later renamed Bangladesh).

  4. The caste system is part of Hindu belief. However educated, upright, or high achieving you might be as a Hindu, you cannot leave your cast.

  5. Women are despised. Indian movies are proof of Hindu India's portrayal of Indian women as playthings of men. Many Hindu women have embraced Islam because they are mistreated by Hindu men. In fact, India is known by critics as the "rape capital of the world."

  6. Mistreatment of other sectors of the population is also quite prevalent. One major example is the second-class status of the Tamil people in Indian society.

The Hindu government of Modi attacked the biggest mosque of the Muslims, Babri Masjid. In addition to being a center for Muslim worship, the mosque is a Muslim historical site. The Hindu government and courts forced its classification as a Hindu temple. Ram was born there, the Hindu courts said, so can it be a mosque?

In recent weeks, Hindu mobs, with tacit government approval, attacked numerous other mosques. One of the most recent incidents involved an attack at a well-attended mosque near Bombay. Unfortunately, the Muslims of India are very peaceful, and have not learned how to fight back against their Hindu enemies. They are highly cultured and very refined, but unable to face an enemy who is brutal and considers them untouchables.

The Muslims of India are 200 million strong. They should wake up and fight back, otherwise the Hindu regime will do them so much damage they will not be able to recover from it. Dear Muslims, wake up and unite and fight for your rights. Your enemy knows your weaknesses. Don't let him subjugate you and brutalize you!

Local News

New York
New York-based Jamaat al-Muslimeen activist Abu Talib is helping orphans in Gambia. May Allah bless him.

Germany is supporting Israel. Recently some Germans were arrested when they supported Palestine openly. One person was actually fined when she sang a song calling for "From the River to the Sea."

US Campuses
The presidents of Columbia University, Johns Hopkins University, and other top-level officials have resigned. On campuses throughout the country pro-Palestine student protestors are stopping other students from going to classes, saying "no business as usual while a genocide is underway," and pointing out that Palestinian students in Gaza are being killed, and cannot not attend any classes, ever.

The Columbia University president, Dr. Minouche Shafik, resigned two days ago. Evidently, she was placed in a difficult position when she found out most students were against her, and for Palestine. Even the professors were pro-Palestine. The professors and students were saying how can you support a genocide?

Pro-Palestine protesters are planning major actions outside the DNC Convention in Chicago. They focused on the fact that Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, is supporting the genocide as much as President Biden. The Chicago mayor has tried to stop the protest on the grounds that it will present logistical problems for an already heavily congested area. But protest organizers are contesting his actions.

On Pakistan Day, mass protests calling for the release of a Pakistani Hafiza-e-Qur'an Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, being held political prisoner by the U.S. government, were held in Karachi. The protesters called on the Pakistan government to take the important initial step of requesting that the U.S. return their citizen, a step which one corrupt Pakistani ruler after another has refused to take.

Black Expatriates

By Sis. 'Aisha
Jamaat al-Muslimeen New York City

There seems to be a growing trend: Black Americans leaving America and living overseas. In the 1990s, there was a trend of Black Americans relocating from Northern states to Southern states.

When gentrification hit Harlem in the early 2000s, the media stated that the population was no longer Black American. It was a deliberately misleading report. Although Harlem still had a majority of Black people, it was Africans who were replacing and outnumbering the African Americans. But where were the African Americans going?

Africans and Caribbean folks are migrating to the U.S.A., while a growing number of Black Americans (and other Americans) are moving overseas to countries like Mexico, Costa Rica, and Thailand. A big surprise is that Portugal, the first country to engage in the African slave trade, has a Black American expatriate enclave.

Like other Americans, these Black expatriates have reasons for leaving the U.S. The exodus to overseas countries usually increases around the time of the presidential election. There are also racial and economic reasons. The housing market is not suitable for the working class. KidGreatness, a YouTuber who lives in Thailand, referred to America as "one big business."

Money is a focal point of our daily lives in America. Everything, including something saving lives, has profit potential. The problem is that nothing is off-limits when it comes to profiteering. The working class is preoccupied with money, whether they want to be or not. Many expatriates remark about how overseas lifestyles are much calmer.

House Hunters International showcases American expatriates relocating to foreign lands, usually due to job relocation. However, there are also Americans with remote jobs moving overseas. Travel companies such as Expatsi arrange for Americans to experience living among the locals in different countries before deciding where to live.

(Sources: - Jennifer Liu, 2024/07/03, "'They want out': This company helps Americans experiment with expat living" and YouTube - "Why I Left America and I'm Never Going Back," uploaded by KidGreatness)

Guidance From Sr. Yasmin

Prophet (SAW): A Person's Du'a is Never Wasted. It benefits him in all situations. (Alhamdulillah)

Know that a person's Du'a is Never wasted,

and it benefits him in all situations...

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the

~*PROPHET* ﷺ said-----

"There is no man who prays to ALLAH

and makes 'Du'a to HIM,

and does not receive a response... {!}

#1/ Either it will be hastened for him in

this world...!

or ...

#2/ It will be stored up for him in the Hereafter...

so long as ----

he does not pray for something sinful,

or to cut the ties of kinship,

or seek a speedy response."

They said...

'O Messenger of Allah ﷺ~

'what does seeking a speedy response mean?'

PROPHET ﷺ said...

'Saying ... "I prayed to my Lord...

and HE did not answer me."

2024-08-20 Tue 01:59:02 GMT/UTC/Zulu