News  #  2043
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29 Muharram 1446 AH - August 4 2024 Issue # 5, Newsletter #2043

The Martyrdom of Haniyeh, the Man Who Wanted Peace

Who is Vice President Harris?
Zionist Vision: A Palestine without Hamas and Islam

Haniyeh, the top leader of Hamas was assassinated in Tehran via a rocket attack. It is blamed on Israel which declines comment, but hails the killing. Analysts say that the attack was carried out by Israel. Although Haniyeh was strongly interested in peace in Palestine, Western powers have not condemned the killing. Analysts say that Netanyahu wants the war to continue. He is strongly supported by President Biden and was invited to address the US Congress.

The rocket which killed Haniyeh came from outside the Middle East, and evaded all Iranian defenses.

Hamas is an Islamic movement, and could have fizzled out after all the bombing it has received. It has survived, some would even say thrived, owing to its strong belief and staying power in Palestine. Muslims need an Islamic air force to be able to retaliate. Drones, though not sufficient, are a start.

The Muslim public is very upset, and janaza prayers and other prayers for Haniyeh have been attended by large numbers of people, both in Iran and Qatar. Very significantly, the prayers in Iran were led by Imam Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader.

It seems the thinking of the Iran government has changed owing to the subversive activities of the enemies of Islam. Those forces have been trying to attack anyone connected to Islam.

It has always been the modus operandi of the enemies of Islam to divide and rule.

Breaking news: The IRGC (Iranian government) revised its story to say that the explosion was caused by a bomb placed at Haniyeh's residence. It's implausible that a bomb was placed in the home of such a high-profile official, and it was not noticed. All of this appears to be a pretext to avoid a confrontation with the U.S. and Israel. It's very odd that one day Iran's official line was that the rocket came from far away, and the next day, the Islamic Republic said that it was at the house. New Trend observers think this is absurd. and may be a form of taqiyya.


More terrible news has come out. The total of young people martyred by the police is now at 159. The government simply shot them down, although they were unarmed. Curfew was imposed on the entire country. The Hindu minority sided with the Hasina government.

The government wanted to reward the people who fought against Pakistan. It supported pro-government segments among the youth. The large majority of the students opposed Hasina's plan, and wanted that scholarships be given on merit. After the police attempted to crush the students, clashes all over the country continued.

Thousands have been arrested and many more were injured by police fire, sometimes directed from helicopters. New Trend urges Muslims to support the people of Bangladesh. May Allah bless the martyrs.

Breaking news:

The streets are again full of protestors. This time the youth are taking a big step. They are urging Hasina to resign.

RealPage and Wall Street Controlling Housing Markets

By Sr. 'Aisha

Jamaat al-Muslimeen New York City

Usually if the rents are high, people buy homes. If high interest rates and home prices make home buying difficult, then people rent. But home prices and rents are both sky-high. What is one to do?

Why is this happening? According to former U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich (Democrat), one reason home prices are significantly higher is Wall Street. Private equity firms and hedge funds have been buying up single-family homes across America, usually in predominantly black and Latino areas, and then leasing them for high rental fees. These firms are so wealthy that they buy homes sight unseen, thereby outbidding individual investors.

Another reason for high home prices is that there aren't enough homes being built to meet the demand for them.

The Democrats have introduced a bill that would make it illegal for these types of corporations to buy or own single-family homes. I say good luck with that! But Reich reminds viewers that, although it may be a difficult fight, greedy capitalists feast off of our fear, cynicism, and anxieties. He encourages viewers to fight.

Renting is also corrupted. RealPage is a real estate software company that uses AI software to set rental prices for landlords. A pricing algorithm is used regardless of the area. It is alleged that landlords working with RealPage were told to use the suggested rental prices so as to prevent competition with each other in those areas. It is also alleged that RealPage sent secret renters to spy on these landlords to make sure they complied with the recommended rental price. It is being called a Housing Cartel as a result.

The landlords comply with these rental prices based on their agreement with RealPage. RealPage gets a flat fee for each housing unit it helps manage, regardless of the rental price.

After a growing wave of antitrust lawsuits filed by tenants and attorney generals across the country, the Justice Department has decided to intervene.

Sources: Robert Reich YouTube Channel: How Wall Street Priced You Out of a Home and

CNBC YouTube Channel: Are Landlords Colluding on Rent?

The World is a Vehicle for You;
The Hereafter is More Enduring

By Sr. Yasmin

'Wealth and children are but the adornment of the worldly life. But the enduring good deeds are better to your Lord for reward and better for one's hope'.{Source ~Qur`an~Surat Al Kahf~18~ A # 46}

The world is a Vehicle for you...

If you drive it, it will deliver you to your destination.

If it drives will be Destroyed...{!}

{Source: Al-Hasan Al-Basri (r)}




Wal-Akhiratu Khairun Wa Abqa.

Translation ...

While the Hereafter is better and more enduring.

{Source: 'Qur`an'~ Surat Al A'la~ 87~ A # 17}

'Whoever Loves This 'Dunya' And Is Pleased By It,

Then He Should Know That The Love Of The 'Akhira'

Is Leaving Their Heart...!

Because the Two cannot coexist in One Heart'...{!}

{Source: Al-Hasan Al-Basri (r)}


Fuad Shukr, the leader of Hizbollah in Lebanon was killed in an Israeli strike. Several houses in Beirut were demolished in Israeli air strikes. Two women and three children were killed by the Israelis.

The armies of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, and Jordan did nothing to help Palestine. Will Lebanon be left alone as was Palestine?

Muslim Prisoners

Why are Muslim prisoners being ignored? Among them are Imam Jamil, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, Ziyad Yaghi, and the Muslims still in Guantanamo. On August 1, there was a prisoner swap between the U.S. and Russia. New Trend observers ask why Muslim governments always forfeit the opportunity for a swap to free Muslim and other oppressed people being held by the U.S. government. In particular, there were many opportunities for the Pakistan government to free Dr. Aafia Siddiqui in exchange for Shakil Afridi or Robert "Bowe" Bergdahl, but that government failed to act.

Africa in Turmoil

A human bomber blew up a beach restaurant where officials gathered. Thirty-two were killed, 80 were wounded.


A Russian military force supporting the regime was ambushed in the desert by a jihad group. The entire force of 52 was wiped out and 82 wounded.


Over several months. there have been widespread protests and rallies. A strong opposition movement has emerged. Violent conflict with the police is widespread.


Deep corruption has led to tribal warfare and now political separatism

2024-08-05 Mon 00:03:28 GMT/UTC/Zulu