News  #  2053
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10 Rabi Al-Akhbar 1446 AH - October 13 2024 Issue # 15, Newsletter #2053

Scroll down for report on "Good Samaritans, Vigilantes, or Criminals?" by Sr. Aisha , "Prophet (SAW): Seven Persons Sheltered on 'Yaum-Ud-Deen" by Sr. Yasmin and "Why Not the Muslims Should Suffer from Slavery & Subjugation?" by Dr. Firoz Kamal

Editorial Corner with Dr. Kaukab Siddique

Why Writing About World War II Strikes Fear in Some Hearts

The Western powers participating in World War II did not want their war crimes to be exposed. For 50 years, they clung ferociously to their story of what went on in that World War. Gradually, versions of the story other than that written by the victors came to light. In the meantime, writers like David Irving and Germar Rudolph were locked up for merely writing the story from a viewpoint which questioned the official version, while others were ostracized, lost their jobs, or suffered other serious losses.

Stemming from World War II, Western powers used their military and economic might to gain global advantages. For example, they gave Palestine to the Zionists, and Kashmir to India.

Free Speech in Reporting on Palestine?

Consider this: Every day, the Israelis bomb Palestine, and now they have invaded Lebanon. Last night, the Israelis bombed central Beirut yet again, and killed 22 people. They repeatedly bombed Gaza. It's become habitual for the Israelis to bomb Gaza. Within days, they had killed 2,000 Lebanese. A million Lebanese have lost their homes, and have fled as refugees to Syria. The victims of this Israeli genocide have topped 50,000. (Other sources say the figure is closer to 400,000.) Most victims of Israel are women and children. There is hardly an outcry from the corporate media. To these media, Palestinian and Lebanese deaths are of no consequence.

Juxtaposition: Freedom of Speech in the Case of Salman Rushdi

Salman Rushdie used his imagination to ridicule the Prophet (PBUH), his family and the Qur'an. At the time, Imam Ruhollah Khomeini was alive, and he put a fatwa on Rushdie. The fatwa said it was okay to kill the writer, as he had insulted the Qur'an and the Prophet (SAW).

But Rushdi was physically protected by Western security forces. Western institutions, such as Emory University, the BBC, and the Colbert Report came to his verbal defense. Finally in 2022, a young man named Hadi Matar took it upon himself to attack Rushdi. He stabbed Rushdi twelve times. He failed to kill him, but half-blinded him. Matar was held without bail, indicted for second degree murder and second-degree assault. In July, the charges were bizarrely changed to "Attempt to provide material support to a Foreign Terrorist Organization," plus two other related charges. Clearly, the U.S. was determined to put away this young man, and preserve, at all costs, the right of Salman Rushdie to insult the Prophet (PBUH).

So, it can be said that just as only one side was told for decades about World War II, only one side of the Israel-Palestine conflict can be told. Hamas, in its audacious October 7 attack, forced discussion of the horrors endured by Palestinians since the inception of the Zionist state. And the long-suffering people of Gaza, with the sacrifice of their lives, have opened the eyes of some sectors of American society to the reality of Zionist terror. Slowly there is some honest reporting on Israel's true nature, but it is certainly not from the mainstream media. In other words, free speech does not apply when it comes to Palestine.

Qur'an Corner with Dr. Kaukab Siddique

Selection 1:

"Follow not O Mankind that of which you have no knowledge (e.g. one's saying: "I have seen," while in fact he has not seen, or "I have heard," while he has not heard).

Surely the hearing, and the sight, and the heart, of each of those you will be questioned (by Allah)."

-Qur'an 17:36

Commentary by Kaukab Siddique: This verse indicates that knowledge is most important. You must only speak on things on which you have insight.

For example, with the election coming up, many people might say "I'm going to go vote for Trump," and they don't know why. They might be following what everyone else is doing. It is a collective viewpoint without any basis. Trump says he will do such-and-such for you. How do you know he's going to do that? Is it based on anything he did before? Or is he claiming he will do it in the future? Why should people believe him?

Selection 2:

"Say (O Prophet): The things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are Al-Fawahish (great evil, sins, every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.), unrighteous oppression, joining partners in worship with Allah for which He has given no authority, and saying things about Allah of which you have no knowledge."

-Qur'an 7:33

Commentary by Kaukab Siddique: The verse prohibits four things. The first is Al-Fawahish. This could be, for example, sodomy, adultery, or pedophilia. The second is unrighteous oppression. In today's world, this could mean murdering babies, as Israel is doing. Or forcing people to leave their homes. The third is enjoining partners in worship with Allah. We see this in imams and other Muslim leaders, or even Muslims in general, who are more afraid of state power wielded by the U.S., Canada, Australia, or the UK than the power of Allah. The last, saying things about Allah of which you have no knowledge, is self-explanatory. Allah is Infinitesimal, Unknowable, and we must not attribute things to Him which are beyond us.

Mass Protests Mark International Day of Action for Palestine
By New Trend Staff

October 5 - Mass protests were held in all over the world to mark one year of Israeli genocide. In the US, Washington, DC, New York, Boston, Atlanta, Detroit, Dallas, Houston, New Orleans, Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angele saw huge protests. In Canada, mass protests were held in Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal. On the same day, European cities including London, Rome, Hamburg, Reykjavik, and Geneva saw large pro-Palestine marches.

Many of the U.S. and Canadian protests were spear-headed by the Palestinian Youth Movement. The organizers captioned the protests as "One year of genocide, one year of resistance."

New York

In New York, twenty thousand (20,000) protestors gathered at Times Square. A statement from the NY Palestinian Youth Movement read, "Glory to those who resist occupation, glory to those who sacrifice for the land, glory to those who struggle for liberation." The march energetically traversed New York city, including the renowned Washington Square. The New York Times building in particular, was targeted for its language, which supports the Israeli genocide.

New Orleans

In New Orleans, vibrant protests were held in the French Quarter. Student leaders, including those involved in on-campus protests, addressed the crowd, calling for universities to disclose and divest from Israel. The 500 strong crowd marched down Canal Street, one of the busiest streets in New Orlean's business streets. Chants of "Intifada, intifada, long live the Intifada!" resounded.

Dallas, TX

In Dallas, marchers gathered in Dealey Plaza. There were Palestinian flags as far as the eye could see. Protesters called for Maersk, a shipping firm delivering bombs and missiles to Israel, to stop its support of the genocide. Speakers included Imam Omar Suleiman of the Valley Ranch Islamic Center; Green Party Presidential candidate Jill Stein; Hatem Bazian, chairman of the American Muslims for Palestine; Nida Abu Bakr, daughter of Holy Land Five political prisoner Shukri Abu Bakr; and Pastor Frederick Haynes.

Speaking powerfully, Hatem Bazian told the crowd the U.S. was more than complicit in the Israeli genocide. He told student activists they were making history, and encouraged them to continue their protests.

Supporters of Pakistani political prisoner, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, were prominent in the crowd. They handed out fliers informing participants of an upcoming action for Aafia outside FMC Carswell on October 26. Many Dallas area activists who support Aafia, are also active in the movement for a free Palestine.

After the speakers concluded, the vast pro-Palestine march proceeded through downtown Dallas.

Meanwhile, Texas Governor Greg Abbott called for flags to be flown at half-staff and for a moment of silence, not for the 49,000 Palestinians killed by Israel with U.S. complicity, but for the 1,200 Israelis killed on October 7. He issued a written statement saying, "Texas will always stand with the State of Israel and the Israeli people as they continue to defend their freedoms in the face of pure evil."

Washington, DC

In Washington, DC, 10,000 people rallied in front of the White House. Some of these were very young, and many of them wore kaffiyehs. They carried not only Palestinian flags, but importantly, Lebanese flags, symbolizing the global nature of the struggle against Zionist terror. "Arrest Netanyahu" signs could be seen throughout the large crowd. The protest went on for five hours, with marchers proceeding to the Washington Post offices, proclaiming that the Post was facilitating the Israeli genocide with its slanted reporting.

During the DC action, Samuel Mena, Jr., a journalist, set his arm on fire. He issued a statement saying, "To the ten thousand children in Gaza that have lost a limb in this conflict, I give my left arm to you. I pray my voice was able to raise up yours, and that your smiles never disappear." Not surprisingly, corporate media did not cover Mena's statement.

A common theme at nearly all the protests was honoring of Palestinian martyrs. This seemed particularly appropriate and a counter to Israel's treatment of them: Denying the numbers of dead, insisting that the dead were terrorists, dumping their bodies into mass graves, desecrating their bodies, throwing their bodies off buildings, burning their bodies, and other horrific acts.

The Palestinian Youth Movement and other organizers of the International Day of Action are to be congratulated for their hard work which led to very successful mobilizations in many cities. They were able to reach large numbers of the public in the US, Canada, and Europe in person as well as over social media, and got coverage by local and some national media.

Why Not the Muslims Should Suffer from Slavery & Subjugation?
By Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal

Allah SWT's sunnah

Can the Muslims deserve any liberty, security and honour in this highly contested world? Probably, not at all. Liberty, security and honour are only for those who deserve that. Since these are highly valued achievements, people must qualify for that and must pay a price for that. But do the Muslims qualify for that? Did they pay any price for that? Certainly, they didn't. Of course, they are bombed, killed, raped and occupied; but these are not the ways that people pay the price for a dignified status on the world stage. Such sufferings by the hand of the enemies are merely the consequential punishment for not paying the price for liberty, security and honour. Those who want to pay the price they plan for and make huge sacrifices for that. Such an honour never comes to those who survive only as lame ducks.

Allah SWT has His own way to run this world. And He has His Own way of punishing people and rewarding people. He never rewards those who show defiance against His commands. Apart from 5 times prayers, month-long fasting in Ramadan, charity (zakat) and hajj, Allah SWT made two more obligatory rules for every Muslim. Firstly, they must stay united in all circumstances. Secondly, they must stay all time war-ready against the enemies. These obligations are made known in Qur'anic verses and Prophet (peace be upon him)'s practice.

The revelations and the obligations

A Muslim must understand the basic principles of Islam. Whatever commands that come from Allah SWT in the Holy Qur'an become obligatory on every Muslim. And whatever prohibitions that come from Allah SWT instantly become haram (forbidden) on every Muslim. Defiance against such rulings is forbidden in Islam. And whoever willfully goes against any of the Qur'anic commands and prohibitions becomes outrightly kafir. Defiance against even a single command is enough to get such a label. Even Iblis didn't need more than one defiance to become a cursed shaitan. No amount of prayer, fasting, charity and hajj can undo that despised marker. This is the most fundamental teachings of Islam. Therefore, those who show defiance against Allah SWT's order on unity and war-readiness, can they claim to be true followers of Islam? Can they deserve any mercy and help from Him? [Cont.]

Read the rest of Dr. Kamal's article here:

Good Samaritans, Vigilantes, or Criminals?
By Sis. 'Aisha
Jamaat al-Muslimeen New York City

Last week, it was reported that former New York Governor David Patterson, who is legally-blind, and his stepson 20-year old Anthony Sliwa, son of Guardian Angels founder Curtis Sliwa, were attacked by a group of adults and children. Sliwa had several stitches to his lip and former Governor Patterson had injuries to his head.

Since the incident, two adults and two children were apprehended. The two adults arrested were New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) employees 40-year old Travor Nurse and 34-year old Diamond Minter. The two children, 12 and 13 years old, were charged in family court. The media never identifies juveniles in criminal cases.

Reports were that the former governor and his stepson were walking their dog around a McDonald's on 96th street and 2nd Avenue, which is around the corner from the massive Islamic Cultural Center of NY. They look up and saw children on the fire escape and Sliwa told them to get off. It has been said that the fire escape has been used to gain unlawful entry into the building.

Even more information is coming out about the incident. According to Nurse's and Minter's defense attorneys, they are the true victims, who came to the defense of two children who were being accosted by Sliwa. Earlier in the evening Sliwa walked his dog alone when he saw the children climbing the fire escape and admonished them. Reports are that Sliwa lives in that building.

According to the Assistant District Attorney Zachary Campbell, Sliwa shoved Travor Nurse and then Sliwa and Minter exchanged punches. NYPD Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny accused Nurse and Minter of taking matters into their own hands, which then escalated.

What is the difference between being a Good Samaritan or a vigilante? In America, is it possible to step in on children's behalf to defend them and not go to jail? There are victims of rape and domestic violence who are serving time in prison, right now, for defending themselves. Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, Haila Gabr, and Chrystul Kizer come to mind.

Travor Nurse's attorney, Jeff Chabrowe, stated that his client was playing peacemaker and suffered even worse injuries than Anthony Sliwa, which included a gash above his eye and a dislocated shoulder. Attorney Chabrowe referenced an interview former Governor Patterson gave after the attack where he mentioned that Sliwa had a black belt in Jiu-Jitsu and slammed one of the children's head into a window.

The case will be heard by a grand jury beginning Friday, October 11th.

Zionists Commemorate Hamas-Israel Conflict in Central Park

On October 7th, New York Governor Kathy Hochul and embattled New York City Mayor Eric Adams were among the attendees remembering the October 7, 2023 retaliation for Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine by Hamas. But, the Zionists portrayed themselves as the victims, in spite of their financial support of Israel's occupation and traveling there for vacations and bar mitzvahs, as if it were business as usual. Hamas' retaliation and Israeli atrocities against Palestinians, spread via social media, has shown the world what is really going on there.

It is reported that up to 5,000 Zionists attended this Central Park event where there was musical performances and images of kidnapped Israelis shown on a huge screen.

Earlier in the day, there were Pro-Palestinian protests throughout New York City drawing attention to the on-going genocide being carried out against the Palestinians by the Israelis.

(Source: Yahoo! News and

Guidance from Sis. Yasmin
Prophet (SAW): Seven Persons Sheltered on 'Yaum-Ud-Deen

وَنُفِخَ فِي الصُّورِ فَصَعِقَ مَنْ فِي السَّمَا¨َاتِ وَمَنْ فِي الْأَرْض¦ إِلَّا مَنْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ ۖ ثُمَّ نُفِخَ فِيهِ أُخْرَىٰ فَإِذَا هُمْ قِيَامٌ يَنْظُرُ¨نَ


Wanufikha fee assoori fasaAAiqaman fee assamawati waman fee

al-ardiilla man shaa Allahu thumma nufikha feehiokhra fa-itha hum qiyamun yanthuroon.


'And [on that Day] the Trumpet [of Judgment] will be sounded,

and all [creatures] that are in the heavens and all that are on earth

will fall down senseless unless they be such as God wills [to exempt].

And then it will sound again-and lo ! standing

[before the Seat of Judgment], they will begin to see [the truth]!

{Source: 'Qur'an' ~ Surat: Az-Zumar (39)~ Ayah # 68 }

Abu Hurairah [Allah be pleased with him]~ said---


{peace and blessings of ALLAH up upon him} said....

'There will be Seven {7} persons

sheltered on the

Day of Judgment when there will be
no other shade besides HIS shade.

They are:

#1/~ A Just Ruler

#2/~ A young man who passes his youth

in worship and service of ALLAH ~

{the Lord of Honor and Glory}

#3/~ One whose heart is perpetually

attached to the 'Masjid'

#4/~ Two such persons who

Love each other for the Sake of ALLAH,

they joined together for HIS sake and

parted for HIS sake.

#5/~ A man who is invited for sin by a

rich beautiful woman but declines,

saying I fear Allah.

#6/~ One who gives charity in a secret

way without making a show,

in a way that his left hand does not know
what his right had spent.


#7/~one who remembers Allah in solitude

so that his eyes overflow !

{fill with tears}.

{'Subhan Allah'}

A Little Note....

The Seven people in this 'Hadith' means the seven [ 7 ]

types of people that are considered to be very unique

and difficult to find.

Those special people will have better treatment on Judgment Day.

They will not have to wait in the unbearable heat;

but rather, will be allowed to wait for their Judgment

in the comfortable shade.

"Two {2} people who love each other for the sake of Allah

means people whose friendship is not based on materialistic or superficial things, but on their mutual love for Allah...!

When one of them becomes corrupted, they are no longer friends...{!}

2024-10-13 Sun 12:48:58 GMT/UTC/Zulu