News  #  2052
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3 Rabi Al-Akhbar 1446 AH - October 6 2024 Issue # 14, Newsletter #2052

Scroll down for report on "Alleged Police Harassment Forces Black Business to Shut Down" by Sr. Aisha , "The Prophet's Admonition to Make Use of Two Remedies," by Sr. Yasmin

Editorial Corner with Dr. Kaukab Siddique

BBC's Bowen Reveals His Stance as Apologist for Zionist Terror in Interview with Hamas Leader

Khalil al-Hayya, deputy leader of Hamas, was interviewed by Jeremy Bowen, international editor of the BBC on October 3. Bowen spoke with great arrogance, addressing al-Hayya with contempt. On the BBC's own website, the blurb accompanying the interview, in classic neo-colonial fashion, characterized the Israeli genocide as one which "his (al-Hayya's) organization provoked in the Middle East, which has led to thousands of deaths across the region." It seemed the usual admonitions against blaming the victim don't apply when it comes to Palestinians.

Bowen started off with a question typical of a Zionist terror apologist: "Why did Hamas attack Israel?" It was amazing that the international editor of a major news organization seemed unaware of (or was deliberately obfuscating) decades of attacks and embargo on the unarmed, helpless, indigenous population of Gaza.

Al-Hayya responded through a translator, "We have to sound an alarm to the world, to tell them we are a people with a cause and demands. It was a blow to Israel, the Zionist enemy, and a wakeup call to the international community. We had to do something to tell the world that there is a people who have been under occupation for decades."

Next, Bowen had the gall to ask the Palestinian leader, "Why did your men kill so many civilians, children as well?"

Al-Hayya's response, "We ordered our resistance fighters on the 7th of October not to target civilians, women and children. The objective was the occupation soldiers, who are always killing, bombing, and destroying in Gaza. We don't endorse harming civilians. On the ground, there were certainly personal mistakes and actions. Fighters may have felt that their lives were in danger."

Then Bowen completely flipped the script, sounding more like an IOF spokesman than a journalist: "Your men who weren't in danger, they were standing with terrified civilians who were sitting on the ground, and they were standing over them with weapons. That is not a battle." This, to the average Muslim viewer, is almost laughable, given the imbalance of power between Israel and the Palestinians it has oppressed for decades. And, its particularly disgusting, given that the Israelis have killed over 50,000 Palestinians, and injured 100,000, the majority of these women and children (Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor figures through July 24, 2024).

The interview went on, with Bowen regurgitating more Israeli government propaganda. For example, the interviewer asserted that there were videos depicting atrocities committed by Hamas. Al-Hayya calmy responded that the videos of atrocities were published by the Israeli occupation, not by Hamas.

Then, Bowen inadvertently came the closest he has come to telling the truth in the interview. He said: "Almost a year later, Gaza is in ruins, there are 40,000 dead. Many, many of them are civilians. Your capacity to fight Israel has been massively diminished. Was it worth all of that?"

Al-Hayya fired back, "Who's responsible for this? It was the occupation and its army. Who destroys Gaza? Who killed its people? Who is now killing civilians in shelters and schools and hospitals? Ask the world and those who created international law. We are defending ourselves. If 1,200 people from the occupation are killed, how does that justify Israel killing 50,000 people and destroying all of Gaza? Isn't that enough for them? But they are motivated by the lust to kill, to occupy, and the lust to destroy."

Then, the interviewer reverted to his role as IOF spokesman: "The Israelis say very clearly that they respect the laws of war. And they also say that the reason why so many civilians have died is because you and Hamas fight from within the civilian population and you use them as human shields."

"That is not true. They destroyed mosques on top of the heads of their owners when there were no fighters. They destroyed houses and high-rise buildings when no one was in them. They bombed houses when there was not a single fighter in them. It is all Israeli propaganda," Al-Hayya answered in a soft, calm tone.

Bowen then asked him about the hostages, again repeating the Israeli propaganda about sexual crimes committed by Hamas, and completely ignoring the widespread sexual abuse of Palestinian women kidnapped and held prisoner by the IOF. Al-Hayya told him: Our people are not allowed to mistreat prisoners. There is no possibility of mistreatment of women. We took some prisoners to exchange them for the prisoners held by Israel.

They went back and forth about the failed peace talks and how to end the war. Then, in the bumbling fashion which only a neo-colonialist can manage, Bowen blurted out, "You could do it; you could surrender!

Al-Hayya fired back: "How can we surrender? People who resist the occupation do not give up. If we surrender, which is impossible, our children, our people won't give up. Why should we surrender? The occupation should stop killing."

He continued, "My family, my relatives, and my neighbors are in Gaza. We see with their eyes. We feel their pain. We cry for their wounds. What hurts them, hurts us. If the world gave us our legitimate rights, this cycle of violence would stop. But Israel does not want that, the return of refugees and self-determination."

Towards the end of the interview, Bowen bizarrely asked, "Do you think of yourself as a terrorist? That's what Israel calls you."

Without batting an eye, Al-Hayaa responded, "I'm seeking freedom and defending my people. To the occupation, we are all terrorists, the leaders, the women, and the children. You heard what Israeli leaders called us. They said we are animals."

The interview was sickening to watch, and reaffirmed what many Muslim analysts believe is immense pro-Zionist, imperialist bias at the BBC. At the same time, it was heartening that the Hamas representative retained his composure and was able to clarify important points censored by nearly all U.S. media.

Syed Abul Ala Maudoodi: One of the Greatest Islamic Teachers of Modern Times
By Dr. Kaukab Siddique

September 25 is the birthday of Syed Abul Ala Maudoodi, and September 22 is his death anniversary. He passed away in Buffalo, New York, where, at the insistence of his son, he had come for medical treatment. His body was flown back to Pakistan for burial the same day. Huge crowds turned out for his funeral in Lahore.

As his friend, admirer, and student, I became very close to Maudoodi. I participated in his study circle in the Lahore neighborhood of Ichhra. Lahore itself is known as the seat of Pakistani culture.

Maudoodi wanted to travel to the Hajj in Saudi Arabia, trying for years to get permission from the Pakistan government. They seemed determined to conceal the teachings of this renowned Islamic scholar from the Arab masses. After a long struggle, the Pakistan government finally let Maudoodi proceed to Saudi Arabia.

I translated some of Maudoodi's books into English. As I did so, it became evident to me that, like many great thinkers from Malcolm X to Allamah Iqbal, Maudoodi's thinking was evolving over his years of study of Qur'an and hadith. For example, Maudoodi's thinking of the Qur'anic position on women in Islamic society, changed considerably. (Initially, he took Qur'an 4:34 as the final word on male-female relations.)

Here are some of the salient features of his teachings:
  1. The message of Islam is contained in the Qur'an. The Qur'an can be carefully translated.

  2. Authenticated hadith is essential to understanding the Qur'an.

  3. Islam helps us to understand the universe. The natural sciences should not be neglected.

  4. Islam is for global change. It is a movement for political and physical transformation.

  5. Muslims should have state power. They should not be subservient to non-Muslim entities.

  6. The Quran is developmental and progressive. Muslims must understand how to apply it to their respective living situations.

  7. Men and women are equals. Their qualities are based on their behavior, not on their gender.

  8. Mutal consultation is essential between husband, wife, and children.

  9. Muslims must support the struggles of all oppressed people.

  10. Muslims must protect and/or care for the creatures of the earth. The Qur'an supports the preservation and protection of ants and bees.

War news


The Israelis are bombing Beirut. Two thousand Lebanese are dead, and more than one million have fled their homes.

Iran got tired of Israel's crimes and started sending rockets over. Some of the rockets actually hit their targets. As they rained down, the Israelis yelled out "Jo-jo-jo-jo!" When the projectiles crashed into Tel Aviv, some of them yelled out "Allah!" (Many Israelis speak Arabic.)

There was cheering in most of the Muslim countries when Khamenei gave the order for shooting missiles at Israel. Amazingly, some of the missiles were able to penetrate Israel's multi-layered defense system.

The Israelis, masters of propaganda, always say that most of the Iranian or other opposing rockets didn't hit their targets. They said the rockets went and hit the grass.

From L. Siddique
Video depicts Hezbollah's Radwan Unit Fighting Back Against Israeli Ground Offensive:


US warships and planes hit Houthi targets in Yemen. In other words, the most powerful military in the world is assaulting one of the poorest. But the Houthis are determined to fight back.


The Israelis have been shutting of the water and sewage to the Palestinians, according to Al-Jazeera.

Alleged Police Harassment Forces Black Business to Shut Down

By Sis. 'Aisha
Jamaat al-Muslimeen New York City

Shamel Kelly, former owner of the Juice and Moore Bar, claims that James Caban, twin brother of former New York City Police Commissioner Edward Caban, tried to extort money from him. According to, a website known for exposing criminal allegations against the NYPD, James Caban is a former NYPD sergeant with past assault allegations. He is now a consultant and liaison for the NYPD.

Kelly alleges that the NYPD frequently raided his business on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays for over six months. Ray Martin, a former associate director of the Office of Entertainment and Nightlife, remarked that the raids would stop if Kelly paid James Caban a fee.

Kelly states that the raid increased when he refused to pay Caban $2,500. Now, Kelly and his legal team are suing New York City while he cooperates with federal investigators in their investigation of the NYPD over these allegations. As a result of repeated raids and arrests, Juice and Moore Bar patronage declined significantly, forcing Kelly to close its doors permanently.

According to James Caban's attorneys, he denies all allegations.

Kelly and his attorneys are wondering just how far this corruption extends in the NYPD and the Adams Administration. On September 12th, Edward Caban resigned as NYPD Commissioner after federal investigators raided his home and seized his phones stemming from these allegations against his brother.

(Source: amMetro New York: Dean Moses &

Guidance from Sis. Yasmin
Prophet (SAW): Make Use of Two Remedies, Honey and the Qur'an

"And We send down of the Quran that which is
a healing and a mercy to those who believe"

[Source: Quran 17:82]

PROPHET sallallaahu alayhi wa salaam ( may Allaah exalt his mention )
'Make use of the Two {2} Remedies...
Honey and the Qur`an'

[Source~ at-Sahih al-Bukhari, Tirmidhi, ibn Majah & Baihaqi]
More than 1400 years ago Allah and His Messenger sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) told us that Honey can heal a variety of medical problems.

ALLAH {Azza Wa Jal} says...
'And the Lord inspired the bee, saying...
Take your habitations in the mountains and in the trees
and in what they erect.
Then, eat of all fruits and follow the ways
of your Lord made easy (for you).
There comes forth from their bellies a drink
of varying colors wherein is healing for men.
Verily in this is indeed a sign for people
who think.'
[Source: Quran, 16: 68-69 ]

The Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) has also told us of the healing found within honey for a variety of medical problems, including stomach ailments.

It is reported by Al-Bukhaari may Allaah have mercy upon him that a man came to the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention )
because his brother had a stomach disorder.

The Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) said...
'Let him drink honey.'
The man returned a second time complaining that no improvement happened in his brother's case,
and again the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) responded:
'Let him drink honey.'
The man returned again, and said...
'I have done that but to no avail.'

Thereupon the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) responded...
'Allah has said the truth,
but your brother's stomach has told a lie.
'Let him drink honey.'
he drank it and was cured...{!}

Modern medicine has only recently discovered the fact that honey is a remedy to many diseases. Traditional uses of honey have included honey mixed with lemon for sore throats.
Honey coats the throat and reduces throat irritation.
Research has already shown that honey blocks the growth of oral bacteria.
Honey has also been used for stomach pains and problems. Modern research shows that honey is effective when used in the treatment of gastric or peptic stomach ulcers.
Research has also revealed that honey is effective in the treatment of various wounds and infections because of its antimicrobial
[antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal] properties...{!}

As mentioned in the beginning, honey contains a variety of sugars and minerals.
Honey is also considered an Antioxidant.
This means it allows the blood to circulate better and provide more oxygen to areas of the body such as the brain.
Honey can also be used externally to promote healing
when applied to wounds, even post operative wounds...!
Honey has also been effective in its use to treat burns. It has even been shown to be low in calories and useful as a sweetener for diabetics, people with heart disease or
for those who are overweight.
"And We send down of the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe"

[Source: Qur'an,17:82]

'Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an)
and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better.
Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path,
and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.'

(Source: Qur'an, 16:125)

2024-10-06 Sun 04:23:29 GMT/UTC/Zulu