News  #  2050
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19 Rabi ul Awal 1446 AH - September 22 2024 Issue # 12, Newsletter #2050

Scroll down for report on "Tyranny American-Style" by Sr. Aisha , "The Flavor of the Heart" by Sr. Yasmin , article on Aafia Siddiqui on the anniversary of her sentencing + an update on Aafia's case from the Aafia Movement (Pakistan) by Nadrat Siddique

Editorial Corner with Dr. Kaukab Siddique

Israeli Pager Attack Seems to Have Failed

From first reports on Tuesday and Wednesday, the Israeli attack seemed to have succeeded. Pagers, walkie-talkies, and radios exploded in the hands Hizbollah members and supporters, as well as innocent bystanders including children. Lebanese authorities reported 20 people killed and 3,000 plus wounded.

Western media claimed that Lebanon was collapsing. Israel claimed that the war had moved to the north, and the 30,000 Israeli settlers would be rapidly brought back to their homes. However, Hezbollah reported a completely different narrative.

Positive Islamic action stabilized the situation. Al-Jazeera reported:
  1. There was no panic.

  2. Ambulances quickly picked up injured people.

  3. People liberally gave their blood.

  4. Lebanese hospitals did their job efficiently.

  5. Shaikh Nasrallah behaved like an Islamic leader. He honestly explained the situation. He did not engage in braggadocio or make empty threats against Israel.

  6. The Israeli Air Force is blasting Hezbollah strongholds. There is no Islamic air force. Instead, Hezbollah are using drones. On top of that, they are supporting Hamas. Despite what Western powers might wish, there is no rift between Hezbollah and Hamas.

Israel has committed a serious crime against the Muslims with the pager attacks. It has no morality or rule of law. It will do anything to inflict damage on the Muslims. Despite the clear violation of International Law in Israel's use of pagers to kill people in a sovereign nation, if the Gaza experience holds true, the U.S. will still not back down from its support for Israel. And yet many Muslims in the US still have high hopes for the Democratic Presidential hopeful Kamala Harris.

World News

United Nations

At the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) meeting, 124 countries (out of 181) voted that Israel must end its occupation of "Occupied Palestinian Territory" within a year, and pay damages to Palestine for the destruction of the country. The US, Israel, and numerous small island nations under U.S. hegemony were among 14 votes against the resolution. The remaining 43 were abstentions.

Interestingly the UK, Germany, Italy, and Australia which supply weapons to Israel, abstained. So why did these countries, which typically follow the US in supporting Israel at the UN, not vote against the resolution? This may be their way of appeasing the growing anti-Israel sentiment in their respective countries. The main surprise was that Haiti, where there is massive support for Palestine, abstained.

Under the resolution, no trade or other support for Israel is permitted. Unfortunately, the resolution is nonbinding. After the vote, there was cheering for Palestine in the UNGA.

United States

A memorial to Aaron Bushnell, the US veteran who self-immolated outside the Israeli Embassy,

was removed at 6:00 AM on July 18 by two men. They would not let the security guard film it, under threat of arrest. The memorial had been guarded by pro-Palestine activists for 150 days prior to its removal.


Palestinian refugees sheltering in a school were killed by Israeli troops. Twenty-two refugees were killed. Qabatiya in West Bank. Israelis killed five unarmed people and threw their bodies from roof tops.

Bombing of refugees in Gaza continues. So-called "safe areas" designated by Israel have been bombed. However, fighting between Hamas and Israel is continuing near the Egyptian border. Hamas is putting up a tough fight, killing numerous Israelis.


An Israeli bombing raid on Beirut has killed 37 civilians, including 7 women and 3 children. Sixty-eight (68) people were wounded. The Israeli strike occurred during Friday afternoon rush hour, and was the deadliest since the 2006 Israel-Hizbollah War. Meanwhile, Hezbollah continues to target areas in Northern Israel. The U.S. State Department issued travel U.S. citizens to leave Lebanon, and some settler schools in Israel canceled classes.


A major battle is ongoing between Russian and local government troops on one side, and jihad groups (ISIS) on the other. Reports indicate that 84 Russian troops and 77 government troops were killed in what some view as a big victory for the mujahideen. The influence of this battle is sweeping through the entire region including Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso.


Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani is sending Iraqi medical teams to Lebanon to assist in the aftermath of the Israeli attacks. The Kataeb Hezbollah militia is also saying it will send large numbers of fighters to help Hezbollah in Lebanon. (AP, September 17, 2024)

Tyranny American-Style
By Sis. 'Aisha
Jamaat al-Muslimeen New York City

America helps the obvious, openly tyrannical governments overseas, but in America, tyranny has to occur in a sneaky, underhanded way.

Of course, there were the massacres of Native Americans and the Jim Crow Laws that show America's tyrannical history, which only affected the indigenous populations. Then, there were controversial moves, such as adding fluoride to tap water and assigning citizens social security numbers, among other things.

We cannot depend on the Supreme Court to help Americans. Only the people can change America.

The basic God-given right to self-defense and choice has been taken increments. It's been done so quietly, with the mainstream media's help, that people have been unjustly jailed without so much as a raised eyebrow.

The first right that has been taken away and criminalized is the right to refuse to comply. If you refuse to follow a direct order from a police officer, you can be arrested for refusing to comply.

In recent news, the Miami Dolphins football player Tyreek Hill was accosted by the police, actually doing what he was told! Legal experts familiar with criminal cop behavior have stated that if you are pulled over by law enforcement, your window should be lowered low enough to slip your license and other documents through.

There is no need to lower any of your windows all the way down. It is also recommended that you lock all of the doors to your vehicle. This is because there are videos of criminal law enforcement agents pulling drivers, particularly women, by their hair through car windows.

These Miami officers who accosted Tyreek Hill should have been terminated immediately, which would have severed their pensions.

The second right that has been violated is the right to self-defense. Chrystul Kizer of Wisconsin was another teenage sex-tracking victim who killed the man who repeatedly victimized her. Now, at twenty-four years old, she is serving an eleven-year sentence for defending herself. Her attorneys had her plead guilty to second-degree murder. This is very similar to Haila Gabr, a Yemeni sister, who killed the man who raped her when she was seventeen years old over twenty years ago.

Pieper Lewis is now free owing to some attention brought to her case, but she had to pay $150,000 restitution to her pimp's family for loss of income! A former school teacher raised the money via a crowdfunding site.

Self-defense is being criminalized in schools. It used to be that whoever threw the first punch was suspended, but now both children are suspended, including the one defending himself against the other's aggression. You see professional players ejected from games and suspended for defending themselves against aggressive players, who get a mere warning.

Politicians where these injustices occur need to be held accountable for allowing such things. We should flood feminist politicians with letters demanding they speak out in these matters. They never address domestic violence cases.

The people need to steer politicians toward fulfilling the community's needs rather than those of their campaign donors.

(Source: The Final Call Volume 43 Number 48 (9/2/2024)

Aafia Siddiqui Case

September 23: A Day of Infamy
By Nadrat Siddique

Pakistani scientist Dr. Aafia Siddiqui has been held longer than Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was in Russia's Gulag. She has been imprisoned longer than Russian physicist Andrei Sakharov was in (internal) exile. She has been held about the same length of time as well-known Chinese physician and pro-democracy leader Wang Bingzhang. In fact, like Aafia, Bingzhang was abducted in one country, then taken to another for a kangaroo court trial, convicted, and effectively buried by his captors.

In Bingzhang's case, the U.S. registered vociferous protests against the Chinese government. And yet, the U.S. continues to allow the torture and detention of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui.

Not one person died or was injured in the incident in Ghazni, Afghanistan, in which Aafia was charged. In fact, she should never have been in Afghanistan in the first place. Aafia was kidnapped by Pakistani and U.S. intelligence services, and forcibly taken there from Pakistan- in violation of international law. In other words, if international rules and norms had not been trashed by the security agencies in question, the (concocted) incident for which Aafia was charged would not have arisen.

And yet, on September 23, 2010, the MIT alum was sentenced to 86 years in prison. A brilliant scholar, with innovative ideas to uplift Pakistan's education system, she continues to languish at FMC Carswell, where other political prisoners, e.g. Lynne Stewart and Reality Winner, have also been held.

Does the U.S. have no shame in continuing to hold this innocent woman scientist/ educator, all the while protesting the detention of scientists, writers and academics in other countries? Today on this day of infamy, September 23, we say "Free Aafia Siddiqui now! Free all political prisoners!"

#FreeAafiaSiddiqui #SaveAafiaNow #FreeAllPoliticalPrisoners

(This article was originally published on September 23, 2023)

Update on the Case of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui

From Dr Fowzia Siddiqui, Aafia Movement (Pakistan)

On September 19, 2024, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui's legal team filed a lawsuit in the Northern District of Texas against prison officials at FMC Carswell in Fort Worth, Texas, where Dr. Siddiqui is serving a life sentence for crimes she did not commit.

While the evidence of Dr. Siddiqui's innocence is overwhelming, right now, we are urgently fighting to stop the horrific abuse she is enduring in real-time. Through this lawsuit, we demand:

  1. A third-party investigation into the sexual and physical violence Dr. Siddiqui has experienced at FMC Carswell and for meaningful measures to be put into place to prevent further abuse;

  2. The right for Dr. Siddiqui to practice her religion freely, including access to an Imam for much-needed religious consolation and guidance;

  3. A thorough medical evaluation by an independent, female Muslim physician not affiliated with the Bureau of Prisons, especially in light of Dr. Siddiqui's untreated PTSD and other health conditions worsened by years of torture and mistreatment, and

  4. Justice and accountability against those responsible for Dr. Siddiqui's abuse and neglect, including the enforcement of her Eighth Amendment right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment.

The abuses taking place daily inside FMC Carswell's prison walls are as egregious as the miscarriage of justice that put Dr. Siddiqui there in the first place, and every moment that Dr. Siddiqui spends in this facility is a violation, not just of her body, but of everything the U.S. Constitution stands for.

Ultimately, it is the Pakistani government's legal and moral duty to step up and demand justice for Dr. Siddiqui, a Pakistani citizen, by holding those responsible for her mistreatment accountable and ensuring her safety.

Our Demands for the Pakistan Government

The Pakistani government must take immediate action to secure the release of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani citizen who has been unjustly imprisoned by the United States for over 20 years. The government must:

  1. Own Aafia's case and fight for her rights with the same vigor as any sovereign country does for its citizens, and as they would for their own sister or daughter.

  2. Write a strong letter to President Biden demanding clemency and supporting Aafia's petition on humanitarian grounds, highlighting the violation of her basic human rights and the need for urgent medical care.

  3. Prioritize Aafia's release in top level meetings during the PM's visit to the US from September 21 - 30.

  4. Raise Aafia's case at the UN human rights meetings, emphasizing the need for international pressure to secure her release.

  5. Demand freedom for Aafia, just as the US demands for Shakil Afridi, a Pakistani citizen who was a traitor.

  6. Arrange and send a delegation to the White House to plead Aafia's case with passion and sincerity.

The Pakistan government's inaction on Aafia's case is a violation of her rights as a citizen, and a betrayal of the trust placed in it by the people of Pakistan. Aafia's release is a matter of national dignity and a test of the government's commitment to protecting its citizens.

Let us join hands to demand justice for Aafia and pressurize the government to take concrete steps towards her release. We owe it to Aafia, and to ourselves to ensure that no citizen is left behind.

Guidance from Sis. Yasmin

The Flavor of The Heart {'Qalb'}

~Imam Ibnul-Qayyim [Rahimahullah] said...

If you would like to draw a conclusion

of what is contained in someone's

Heart ('Qalb') then use as a Proof

the movements of his Tongue !

for surely, he will show you what is

contained in his Heart, regardless of

whether he wants to or not... {!}

Yahya Ibn Mu'adh (Allah be pleased with him)said...

The Hearts are like Pots {!}

They boil with that which they contain

and their Tongues are their Ladles ... {!}

[i.e. scooping spoons]

So look at a man when he speaks... {!}

his Tongue will scoop out for you that which

is contained in his Heart...{!}

whether it is....{?}

Sweet or Bitter... ???

Fresh or Salty ....???

and other than that...{!}

And the Flavor of his Heart will become

clear to you from that which his Tongue scoops out...{!}

This means that just as you can taste the flavor

of foods being cooked with your tongue and you

realize the true flavor of them...

similarly, you can taste what is in a man's

heart by way of his tongue...{!}

(in the same manner that you can taste what

is in the pot with your tongue...! )

2024-09-22 Sun 13:04:26 GMT/UTC/Zulu