News  #  2049
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12 Rabi ul Awal 1446 AH - September 15 2024 Issue # 11, Newsletter #2049

Scroll down for report on "Illegal Stop-and-Frisk Increased Under Black Mayor" by Sr. Aisha , "Prophet's (SAW) Beautiful Heart Wrenching Duaa' Upon His Return from Taif" by Sr. Yasmin , an update on Dr. Aafia Siddiqui's case by Nadrat Siddique

Why Did 9-11 Happen? Little-known Background to a Tragedy
By Dr. Kaukab Siddique

Every year, the anniversary of 9-11 is used by the major media in their efforts to stir up Islamophobia.

Iraq was under embargo from 1990 to 2003. The embargo was not minor. Basic commodities, including medicines were not available to Iraqis. As a result, Iraqis were sick and dying from what were otherwise treatable diseases.

Saddam was by no means a perfect leader. However, he did not kill or oppress his people, other than those engaged in actively trying to overthrow his government (as would any ruler).

Years back, I went to Iraq as part of a peace mission. I was accompanied by Badi Ali, the late imam of the Islamic Center of the Triad in Greensboro, NC. In addition to his wonderful camaraderie, I needed Badi along for practical reasons. I spoke only broken Arabic. Badi, a Palestinian, was fluent in the language.

Shortly prior to the U.S. invasion, Saddam realized that if he did not have Islamic unity in his country, he would not be able to fight back against the U.S. He invited Muslim scholars from all over the world to Iraq with the intention of building understanding of why the Muslim world should support his besieged country. In response, scholars from all over the world came. Even Sufis from Pakistan came. They were all too happy to come because Abdul Qadir Gilani, one of their greatest saints, is buried in Iraq. (While in Iraq, I visited Gilani's grave, but that is a story for another day.) It was only scholars from the U.S. who were missing. Badi and I were the exception to this.

Saddam was very conspiracy-minded. He thought everything was a plot against him. He changed his orientation to an Islamic one a few years before they captured him. Sometimes he did things for the betterment of Iraqi society. For example, he found out there was a gangster group which was trying to lure Iraqi women to one of the Gulf States for illicit purposes. The women went unwittingly, unaware of what lay in store for them. Saddam caught the gang, and executed them all. Saddam could be very extreme when he wanted to be.

An illustration of the honesty of Saddam's soldiers became apparent to me in one incident where my friend Badi offered money to an ordinary Iraqi soldier, who was a guard at a street corner. It was February, and therefore quite cold. The man was shivering, as he was wearing only a small jacket. But he refused the money. Clearly Saddam was enjoying himself in his palace, but the Iraqi people were suffering.

With his mastery of Arabic, Badi could make out Saddam's intelligence agents right away. When we were in Baghdad, one of these intelligence agents begged us for Vitamin C. It was a stark reminder that under the US/UN embargo, all of Iraq was lacking basic commodities. The U.S. claimed that medicines were allowed in. But it was clear that they were not getting in.

As a result of the embargo, more than more 500,000 Iraqi children died. Interviewed on Sixty Minutes, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Madeleine Albright said she thought the children's deaths were worth it.

As I left Iraq, there was another hurdle. Due to the embargo, you could not fly back even to nearby Amman, Jordan. You had to drive. It was a nine-hour drive. I was shocked at the scenes I observed when I reached Amman. Jordanians were behaving as if there was no embargo: They were having parties, and it was business as usual.

In 2003, the U.S. invaded Iraq, bringing more death and destruction to the country. Saddam's army was overwhelmed and could not repel the Americans. At the end, he was backed into a foxhole. But he never surrendered.

Why 9-11 Happened

What happened on 9-11 with the loss of American lives was a tragedy. But it is important to understand it did not occur in a vacuum.

Unbeknownst to many Americans, at the time 9-11 occurred, the Muslim world had serious grievances against the West:

Aftermath of 9-11

And still, only the 3,000 American lives lost on 9-11 are lamented.

Silent on Genocide: Gambrills Jumu'ah Khutbah was Shameful

By New Trend Staff

On September 13, Dr. Kaukab Siddique went to yet another jumu'ah in his wheelchair. This one was at the Makkah Learning Center, or Islamic Society of Annapolis, in Gambrills, Maryland.

In the mosque corridor, Bangladeshi brothers were collecting money for the flood victims in their country. Even though they did not talk about the tremendous change taking place in Bangladesh, it was a good start. A brother from the mosque kindly assisted Dr. Siddique with his shoes, keeping them with his own, and positioning his wheelchair properly in the musallah. The musallah was packed with Muslims. The worshippers included Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, and Africans. There were one or two U.S. servicemen from the nearby Naval Academy. It was a captive audience.

The khutbah started exactly on time. The imam, a young man with flowery Arabic and unaccented English, dove right into his khutbah. He talked about the importance of "doing small, small things" following the tradition of the Prophet (SAW). For example, he extolled the worshippers, you must say the prescribed du'ah when entering the bathroom, the prescribed du'ah when exiting the bathroom, the right du'ah when entering the musallah, and the right du'ah when exiting the musallah. You must (if you are male) wear your pants at just the right length, he said. Don't be shy when explaining to your non-Muslim friends how to orient your private parts (away from the kibla) when relieving yourself. And tell them why you do it, he said emphatically. All of these things add up to barakah for the believer, he continued. Dr. Siddique kept waiting for this young man to say a single word about Palestine. He did not.

You would think there was no genocide going on!

The imam had squandered a prime opportunity to speak about the gross injustices happening around the Muslim world. Rather than extoll the jumu'ah congregation on the importance of doing the "small, small things" which the Prophet (SAW) did, he could have invited them to the larger message of the Prophet Muhammad, which is to "enjoin the right" and "to prohibit the wrong."

The Prophet Muhammad urged Muslims to fight against oppressors and oppression. Why then do so many U.S. imams, like this young man, ignore this central message, as if they have been ordered to do so by the U.S. government? It seems sinful and a travesty to remain silent when 49,000 of our brothers and sisters have been murdered.

World News


Dominique Pelicot, a man in France, drugged his wife. After she passed out, he brought a whole range of people from the area to gang rape her. In all, 51 men raped her. He took photos of the incident while the rape was ongoing. The victim, Gisele Pelicot, was quite shocked when she learned what had been done to her. The case is in court.

France has been very aggressive in accusing Muslims, especially those who are French, and Afghans, of forcing their women to wear hijab, and of not allowing them to express themselves. In the French view, Afghans in particular, and Muslims in general, are very backward in not permitting women to behave naturally. Accordingly, the French have tried to force their values on Muslims, and have made the hijab unlawful in some cases. But Muslims view the hijab as a protection for women.

The Pelicot affair shows that disrespect for women and sexual anarchy is quite common in France. This case illustrates a whole spectrum of male abuse of women. None of the men involved questioned whether Gisele Pelicot was asleep or drugged. This kind of activity is very unusual in Muslim countries but particularly in Afghanistan. So, who really, is the backwards and oppressive one, when it comes to women?


The Israeli bombing is continuing on a daily basis. Precision attacks on UNRWA, which is providing succor to people who need help, were conducted. Numerous civilians were killed. The Israeli government says it intends to close down UNRWA. Also, the Israelis have extended their attacks to include the West Bank. They are plowing the streets of West Bank towns, particularly Jenin. In some cases, the Israelis have urged Palestinians to congregate in specific "safe areas" assigned by Israel. But when the Palestinians reach the "safe area," they are bombed. So, there is no real safe area.

Turkey joined hands with Egypt's General Sisi, a very serious infraction from the Islamic standpoint). The action seems geared at creating the appearance of Arab unity. In truth, the Egyptians have not helped the Palestinian fighters in any way: materially, physically, or militarily. So, it seems that the Palestinians have been abandoned. Only Iran can help them. But if Iran does helps them, it will be spotted by the U.S. Air Force and its allies. So, the Palestinians have to rely on the extremely scant resources at their disposal. Despite the dire situation, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar says the resistance will continue, and there is no question of surrender or withdrawal.


Within the last three days, large scale demonstrations have been held in Pakistan for the release of the former Prime Minister Imran Khan. The government is adamant about keeping him in jail, but the crowds protesting for him are so big that there is a chance the country itself could be traumatized by the conflict. Such huge numbers are seldom seen in Pakistani rallies. It was almost like a referendum on Imran Khan. As a result, demonstrations have been prohibited in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad.

Among the Pakistan government's other actions is the continuing deportation of Afghan refugees. (Side note: They're also being deported from Germany.)

In Pakistan, the TTP is continuing to fight the Pakistan military, resulting in losses on both sides. Pakistan says it will not compromise with the TTP, although the Taliban government in neighboring Pakistan has suggested it do so. Clashes between the TTP and the Pakistan government are occurring daily. And there is some suggestion of ISIS involvement in the fighting.

West Africa

In Mali, local jihad groups have slaughtered Russian troops which came to help the Malian government. Also, in the border area of Burkina Faso and Niger, there has been large scale conflict between jihad groups and the Burkina Faso government. The losses are pretty heavy and are continuing.


In Algeria, elections were held. The people have elected a new government. The new government was congratulated by Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar.

United Kingdom

The British claim they are suspending thirty arms export licenses to Israel, out of sudden concern they may be violating international law. Unfortunately, these are only 30 out of 350 arms export licenses for Israel. But even the suspension of the 30 licenses has angered Netanyahu and Israeli officials.

Exchange of fire between Israel and the Lebanon border continues on a daily basis. The Israelis have killed scores of people who are supporters of Hizbollah. In turn Hizbollah has fired back and forced Israeli settlers to withdraw 30 miles from the Lebanese border with "Israel." Hizbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has reiterated that as long as there is no peace in Gaza, there will be no peace on the Lebanon-Israel border.


The Houthis continue to attack ships owned by or supporting Israel. They have damaged 80 ships with missiles and drones since the Gaza genocide began. Of these ships, two oil tankers actually sank. The Houthi technique is to send unmanned vessels to attack the ships. They have even attacked a huge American destroyer. They were not able to sink it, but caused significant damage. A number of people working for shipping companies in Arab countries have been arrested by supporters of the Houthis.


The Egyptian tyrant Sisi has decided to become friends with Turkey's Erdogan. Some Muslims think Erdogan is the savior of Islam, but he has decided to become friends with the worst tyrant in the Arab world. Erdogan is even trying to be friends with the dictator in Damascus, Assad. Ironically, Assad rebuffed him, which is a shame.


The people of Bangladesh have demanded Shaikh Hasina's extradition to Bangladesh. It turns out, she has committed many murders of young people. Also, she spent huge amounts of money on three fake elections. (Not surprisingly, she won each of these "elections.") The Bangladeshi people are asking for restitution for the monies spent of these elections.

Dr. Aafia Siddiqui Case

Pakistan Government's Deceit and Trickery in the Dr. Aafia Siddiqui Case
By Nadrat Siddique

In the U.S., Attorney Maria Kari, who is working closely with lead Aafia attorney Clive Stafford-Smith, visited Aafia at FMC Carswell on July 26. Stafford-Smith, who previously instrumented the release of multiple Guantanamo prisoners, visited Aafia on September 12 and 13. Stafford-Smith has filed a "Compassionate Release" petition on Aafia's behalf. To increase the chances of the petition's success, he has asked the Pakistan government to sign onto an Amicus Curiae ("Friends of the Court") brief. The brief is important because a host country, ideally Aafia's native Pakistan, is needed to receive her if she is granted "Compassionate Release. "

On July 5, the Islamabad High Court (IHC) heard Aafia's case. Aafia's Pakistan attorney requested that the Pakistan government sign on to the Amicus Curiae. The court allowed the government four weeks to respond. But the government was dragging its feet. It claimed to support signing onto the Amicus Curiae "in principle." Finally, the IHC imposed a deadline by which the government must respond, otherwise a fine of Rs. 1,000,000 would be imposed.

In the meantime, Deputy Prime Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar, addressing the Pakistan Parliament, claimed to have spoken on multiple occasions with U.S. authorities, including directly to Secretary Anthony Blinken, advocating for Aafia's release. However, Aafia Movement supporters say no such interaction occurred. Dar's statements reflect the deceit and trickery of the current Pakistan administration. The Pakistan government is keeping Aafia in a deadly cycle, where they lie about demanding her release, but take no action, thus releasing American authorities from having to take the necessary steps towards her release.

Upcoming Actions for Aafia

In the U.S., supporters of Aafia will rally on September 22 starting at noon outside FMC Carswell (1200 Meandering Road, Fort Worth, TX) to mark the day of her unjust sentencing.

In the U.K., Aafia supporters will rally at the U.S. Embassy on September 23 (33 Nine Elms Lane, Nine Elms, London SW11 7US) starting at noon.

In Islamabad, Pakistan, a "Dharna for Aafia" will be held at D-Chowk starting at 5:00 PM on September 22.

Illegal Stop-and-Frisk Increased Under Black Mayor

By Sis. 'Aisha
Jamaat al-Muslimeen New York City

When David Dinkins, New York City's first black mayor, took office, he did the typical thing and hired Benjamin Ward as the first black police commissioner. Except for the murder of 7-year-old Gavin Cato by a Jew who fled to Israel, which sparked the Crown Heights Riot, there were very few altercations between the NYPD and black people.

Mayor Bill "Thomas Jefferson" de Blasio promised to keep stop-and-frisk in place but made efforts to reform it under his administration. Even Rev. Al Sharpton remarked that only Mayor de Blasio's black son, Dante, was safe from the NYPD's stop-and-frisk.

Recently, an independent federal monitor revealed in its report that the NYPD has refused to comply with a court-ordered mandate to reform stop-and-frisk.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams is a former police officer who is black. His critics have accused him of being pro-cop at the expense of human rights. It was under his tenure that police officers antagonized and became physical with pro-Palestinian supporters. At that time, Mayor Adams' response was dismissive.

Mayor Eric Adams is a founding member of 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care, an organization that does extensive community outreach, including providing assistance for those claiming to have been victimized by an alleged criminal cop. Most members are conscious black activists from different branches of law enforcement.

It's been alleged that Mayor Adams spied on 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement, which is one reason why some of its members are his biggest critics. Other founding members, such as the Community Cop Show's Noel Leader have stated that the NYPD needs to do away with stop-and-frisk completely.

Stop-and-frisk is oppressive. The logic is that it is supposed to catch criminals, but it is really a disguised oppressive measure used to intimidate people. It is used arbitrarily. On public transportation, there's an announcement notifying (or warning) passengers that the NYPD has the right to stop and search their bags. Yet, it was a few years ago when a man detonated a bomb at the Times Square station.

These types of law enforcement practices are not designed to stop crime. They are designed to instill fear of law enforcement in innocent, law-abiding people.


Guidance from Sis. Yasmin

Prophet's (SAW) Beautiful Heart Wrenching Duaa' Upon His Return from Taif

In the year in which two {2} of the most closest and dearest to the

*PROPHET* (ﷺ) had passed away, his wife Khadija

[RadiAllahu Anha] and uncle Abu Talib, the*PROPHET* (ﷺ)

underwent what could be considered the lowest point of his life...

no longer having the tribe of Quraysh as protection or support in his mission,

he struggled as he travelled to Ta'if seeking its leaders, hoping that they would accept

Islam and help him. However, they proved to be even more vociferous than the Quraysh.

PROPHET (ﷺ) was set upon by the slaves and children of Ta'if with stones,

he ran, his feet cut and bleeding into a garden where he sought refuge

within its walls, taking shelter under a tree .

PROPHET (ﷺ) turned to ALLAH for ease and guidance with this beautiful 'Duaa'...

PROPHET (ﷺ) Dua On Return From Taif {!}

On his return from Taif, anguished and heartbroken...

PROPHET (ﷺ) Prayed ...

"To You my Lord I confess my weakness,

my lack of wit and my inconsequence before people.

Dear Merciful Lord, you are Master of the weak

and Master of those who depend upon me.

how much longer shall they revile me ?

how much longer shall my enemies hold sway

over me ? as long as You are not angry with me

then nothing else can matter.

Your might is greatest before me and so I seek refuge

in the Light of Your Countenance,

in the Light that drives away all darkness

and in which all things of this world

and the next find meaning.

Whether You visit upon me Your Wrath

or , relieve me of my burden,

such is Your Right until You are pleased.

Truly there is no power nor glory but in You."


[Source: Ibn Hisham: As-Seerah an-Nabawiyyah]

As *PROPHET* (ﷺ) left Taif he was followed by a cloud over him and and as he

looked up he saw Angel Jibreel (a.s.) who said if he commanded him to then

he would crush the city of Taif by asking the Angel of the mountains to destroy it immediately

because the people of Taif were hurting him.

PROPHET (ﷺ) through his endless mercy said no and he prayed to Allah [Azza wa Jal]

to spare the town & make the future descendents of Taif Muslim.

{'Subhan Allah'}


اَللُّهُ¥َّ اِلَيْكَ اَشْكُوْ ضَعْفَ قُوَّتِيž وَقِلَّة¤ حِيْلَتِ ْ وَهَوَان¦يْ عَلَى النَّاسِ يَا اَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِ¥ِيْنَ، اَنْتَ رَبُّ الْمُسْت¤ضْعَفِيْɞَ، وَاَنْتَ رَبِّي، اِلَى مَنْ تَكِلُّن¦يْ اِلَى بَعِيْدٍ يَتَجَهَ§مُنِيْ ؟ اَوْ اِلَى عَدُوٍّ مَلَكْتَ§ُ اَمْرِيْ ؟ اِنْ لَمْ يَكُنْ بِكَ غَضَبٌ عَلَيَّ فَلاَ اُبَالِي¨ وَلَكِنْ عَافِيَت¤كَ هِيَ اَوْسَعُ لِيْ، أَعُوْذُ بِنُوْرِ¨َجْهِكَ الَّذِيْ اَشْرَقَžْ بِهِ الظُّلُم¤اتُ، وَصَلُحَ عَلَيْهِ اَمْرُ الدُّنْي¤ا وَاْلاَخ¦رَةِ مِنْ اَنْ تُنَزِّل¤ بِي غَضَبُكَ اَوْ تَحُلُّ بِي سَخَطُكَž لَكَ الْعَتْب¤ي حَتَّى تَرْضَي، وَلاَ حَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّةَ اِلاَّبِ£َ

Transliteration of the Prophet (ﷺ) 'Dua' @ Taif



We should all consider the Prophet's (ﷺ) words carefully when he said...

"As long as You are not angry with me then nothing else can matter."

The concern of anyone who raises the call to Allah is simply the pleasure of Allah,

this is all that matters. After this, whatever else happens shouldn't matter

for the reactions of others are not of great consequence

so long as your aim is to seek the Pleasure of Allah.

Therefore if the pains of this world tire you, do not grieve... !

For it may be that Allah wishes to hear your voice by way of 'Duaa' !

So pour out your desires in prostration and forget about it and know that

verily Allah hears all & does not forget '.

{A reminder to myself first and then to my fellow Muslims 'In Shaa Allah'}


' Subhanak Allaahumma wa bihamdika ash-hadu

an laa ill Allah illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk'.

[Exalted and Glorified is my Lord (Allah) and all prayers and praises are due

to Him (alone)and I bear witness that there is no any other lord or god except

YOU (Allah) I seek your forgiveness and I repent unto YOU...

{ Allah Humma 'Aameen'}

If I said anything correct, then it is from Allah [Subhanahu wa Ta`ala]

and if I erred... then that is from me and shaytan.

2024-09-16 Mon 01:08:37 GMT/UTC/Zulu