Jama'at al-Muslimeen # 7

September 29: Rally at the Meyerhoff to Protest Zionists Honoring General Musharraf [Pakistani war Criminal]

In Balitimore City, former Pakistani dictator General Musharraf will speak at the Meyerhoff Symphony Hall at the invitation of Stevenson University.

Jamaat al-Muslimeen
will hold a symbolic rally at the Meyerhoff, inshallah, to protest this General who handed over many innocents to the US to be sent to Guantanamo Bay . In addition hundreds of Pakistani dissidents disappeared under his rule.
Come and join us.

Place: 1212 Cathedral St
Baltimore , MD 21201-5556

Date: September 29, 2009
Time: : Musharraf's speech starts
at 8 PM [Be there are 7.30 PM]

Call the Meyerhoff to protest at this phone number:
(410) 783-8100

call Stevenson University President's office at:
410-486-7000 [ask for Sue Penny]

The Meyerhoff is the central show piece of the powerful Jewish community in Baltimore . Previously it hosted Medeleine Albright and Salman Rushdie. [Remember Jamaat al-Muslimeen's rallies, small but potent.]

Musharraf was a tyrant and a traitor to the Muslims of Pakistan. His commandos, probably under US-Israeli instructions, attacked the Red Mosque and the Women's Seminary [Jamia Hafsa] in Islamabad.

Meyerhoff is supposed to be a center of art and entertainment. There is no reason for it to host and honor a murderer and a killer. There is no explanation other than hatred of Islam and Pakistan.

Remember, the Zionists invited Medeleine Albright and Salman Rushdie before this to the Meyerhoff. Musharraf is their third stinking fish.

For more info, call Jamaat al-Muslimeen, 443-869-5233.

Donations should be sent to:
Jamaat al-Muslimeen, P.O. Box 10881 , Baltimore , MD 21234
Email: butshikan@msn.com