Jamaat al-Muslimeen International Press Release

(Our new number: 410-435-4046)
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{Scroll down to appeal at end of this posting}

Spiritual Leader of International Jihad: Spirit Unbowed, Body broken
Shaikh Omar's Leg may have to be Amputated: Physicians Take Heed

"By Him in whose power is my life! I wish I could fight in Allah's way and be killed, and then be brought back to life and killed again in His way, be brought back again and give my life again." (Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, narrated by Abu Huraira, ra, collected by Bukhari in his Sahih.)

One of America's leading attorneys, Ms. Lynne Stewart, has just returned from a visit with Dr. Omar 'Abdel Rahman in his cell (solitary confinement) in Rochester, Minnesota. What she saw is so shameful that it needs to be reported although it might cost her any more visits. (She did this pro bono and with a translator.)

First the positive. The Shaikh is in as exalted Islamic attitude to life as he ever was. His TAWAKKUL (reliance) on the Creator is unbroken. His spirit of defiance to the oppressors has not changed. His spirituality, bathed in Allah's light, shines bright as ever. His love for the worldwide struggle of the Muslim nations is comprehensive as ever.

But his body is broken.

The Shaikh (Ph.D from the world's oldest university, al-Azhar) was alert and aware. He sent his greetings to Minister Louis Farrakhan, the honorable leader of the Nation of Islam (NOI), the only leader who has dared to show concern for the Shaikh and to question the government's ban on visits to him. May Allah bless Min. Farrakhan that he broke the silence which the racist government of this great country has imposed on the Shaikh and on the way he is being treated.

The Shaikh also sent greetings to Dr. Kaukab Siddique, Convenor of the Committee to Free Shaikh Omar 'Abdel Rahman, who has put together a countrywide effort to defend the Shaikh's human rights. (Sis. Nadrat Siddique is the Founder of the Committe to Free SOAR.)

The Shaikh's greetings go out also to the entire international community and all individuals who care for the rights of the downtrodden ( mustadafeen) and who stand against the oppressors (zalimeen). {These terms are from the Qur'an, the Book of worldwide revolution.}

OUR CALL TO 30,000 plus Muslim physicians in USA: Ms. Lynne Stewart has reported that the Shaikh's right leg has become black. This is probably owing to the effect of improperly treated or untreated diabetes. The Shaikh looked extremely weak physically and just about broken in his physical being. His physical helplessness is tripled because he is blind and does not know English. Doctors should speak out on humanitarian grounds and call for the Shaikh's proper medical treatment.
Letters of protest should be sent to: Attorney General Ashcroft, Department of "Justice", 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Rm.4400, Washington, DC 20530-0001.
{Send us a copy.}
Funds are badly needed for our human rights campaign. Send to: Jamaat al-Muslimeen, POB 10881, Baltimore, MD. 21234
COMMUNITY NOTICES: Masjid Jamaat al-Muslimeen in Baltimore needs help to repair its leaking and dilapidated roof. $1600 are needed. Send to:
Jamaat al-Muslimeen, 4624 York Road, Baltimore, MD 21212. For details email: ash era22@aol.com
Our web site operator in Nebraska needs a loan of $350 to repair his computer. Loan return will begin in October. Send to: Jamaat al-Muslimeen, POB 10881, Baltimore, MD 21234
The editor of New Trend needs a lap top computer for his travels. If you can donate one, call: 410-638-5965
We have to make these appeals because our funds have been spent in Islamic work. We work for Allah's sake only but our resources have run out.

2001-07-28 Sat 14:44ct