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NATIONAL CONFERENCE IN ATLANTA, October 26, 2002, ON DOMESTIC VIOLENCE and HUMAN RIGHTS of POLITICAL PRISONERS. Organized by Baitul Salaam. Please scroll down for program.
1. Imam Jamil Phones Br. Kaukab from Prison: Wants to Know how Muslims are doing
2. Amiri Baraka Recites Poem: "On with Leon" Show 1450 AM Radio Washington, DC
3. [Palestinian Child Killed by Israeli Bulldozer: Part of daily Murders by the Jews]
In the latest killing, an Israeli army bulldozer crushed to death a Palestinian toddler, a three-year-old child, after bulldozing his family home in Rafah at the southern edge of the Gaza Strip.
Eyewitnesses said an army bulldozer suddenly bulldozed a shack where a family of six people were asleep without giving the dwellers a chance to escape.
A child was crushed to death while remaining family members sustained disparate injuries.
(info. provided by IAP, Illinois)
4. Oppose Death Penalty: Distribution of Info on Aimal Kansi, Pakistani POW
1. Imam Jamil al-Amin, America's leading Imam, now incarcerated in Alabama, talked to Br. Kaukab, editor of New Trend magazine, on October 12, 2002. The Imam sent his greetings to the Muslims and wanted to know how the ummah of Islam is doing. He wanted to know if he could help Muslims in any way, through the power of prayer, remembrance and moral goodwill [which Allah gives to His people].

The questions Br. Kaukab asked the Imam brought out this information:
1. He is allowed to talk on the phone to journalists and others.
2. He continues to be on 23 hours lock down.
3. He is not permitted to pray with other inmates.
4. He is not allowed any access to TV or radio. He is also not allowed to receive newspapers, magazines or any other publications.
Br. Kaukab's impression: The Imam was in high Islamic spirit, his voice full of the vitality of faith and the power of Allah's blessings. There was no sign whatever of any weakness or pessimism in his talk. He seems to be as strong Islamically as he was when he was first railroaded.
Observations on Imam Jamil's case: The State of Georgia sentenced him to life in prison on trumped up charges of the murder of a police officer. No worthwhile evidence was presented. The conviction and on such weak grounds that chances of its being overturned on appeal seem bright. Under law, if there is REASONABLE DOUBT in the guilt of an accused person, the defended must not be convicted.

In Imam Jamil's case, even from the government's point of view, there was REASONABLE DOUBT and the case was not proven beyond reasonable doubt.

The government seems to sense the weakness of its case. That could well be the reason why Imam Jamil has been transferred to Alabama and a federal case is being prepared against him. The government seems determined not to let him go in case the Georgia conviction falls to the ground.
AFRICAN-AMERICAN and ISLAMIC RESPONSE to the oppression of Imam Jamil by the government has been muted. The African-American leadership is not well-organized or coordinated. Imam Jamil was mentioned by Malik Zulu Shabazz, the New Black Panther leader, during the Reparations Rally. His case was elucidated at the same rally by Br. Bilal Sunni Ali but it was not given a central place in the rally.

Islamic response has been even weaker. Min. Farrakhan has given some statements in his paper but has not done anything which trouble the government.

There are a few Sunni imams who are known for their rhetoric but these have been coopted by a pro-government grouping known as ISNA. At the recent ISNA convention, these imams saw the FBI recruitment center but did not dare speak out.

[Jamaat al-Muslimeen urges Muslims to forget about these imams and go directly to the Muslim masses to mobilize support for Imam Jamil's case. There must be, inshallah, GENERAL MOBILIZATION in support of the Imam during the coming year.]

1. He is independent.
2. Refuses to sell-out. [Even when we criticized him for affiliation with ISNA etc., he never actually joined ISNA.]
3. His Islam is pure, Qur'an and Sunnah, and undiluted by personality cults and nationalism.
4. He practices the Sunnah in his personal life. Islam is not just a lot of talk for him.
5. He subsumes within his struggle and heritage, the best values of the revolutionary struggle of the Black (African-American or New African) tradition.
6. He knows the system of oppression, racism and exploitation which exists in the U.S., understands it well, and rejects it outright without any hesitation.
7. He has suffered repeatedly at the hands of the power structure. Being followed by the police, getting arrested, being imprisoned, struggling, speaking out, organizing, agitating have been part of his entire life.
8. He is devoid of class superiority and the desire to be "above" ones supporters which is so much a problem with leaders in America.
9. Spirituality and courage based on moral power make him an imam in the real sense of the word.
10. He believes in the ONENESS OF THE UMMAH (and in that sense is not an AMERICAN Muslim but simply a Muslim) and hence can be a leader in the United Nations of Islam or Caliphate when it emerges, inshallah.
2. AMIRI BARAKA, poet laureate of New Jersey, was "On With Leon" from 2 to 3 pm on October 13 and was heard on AM radio stations 1450 in Washington, DC and 1010 in Baltimore. It was a treat to hear him recite his famous poem [The Day America Exploded] which has brought him intense hostility from Jewish groups. Under Jewish pressure, the Governor of New Jersey demanded that Baraka resign from the poet laureateship, an amazing development in a free country.

One point was cleared up about the charge of "anti-semitism":
Amiri Baraka had married a Jewish woman, so he couldn't possibly be anti-semitic.
[We hope to get a tape of the program in the next few days.]
4. Distribution of "OPPOSE THE DEATH PENALTY" flyer has started, related to the case of AIMAL KANSI, the PAKISTANI POW facing execution on November 7. Your help is needed to distribute the flyer in your community. Remember, the death penalty is NOT valid in a secular state. If Kansi had been a rich man with a "dream team" of attorneys, he would have gotten away with an insanity plea. He is being executed because he is a Pakistani, a Muslim and a person of color whose family has been financially ruined trying to help him in this case. EXECUTION DOES NOT SOLVE ANY PROBLEM. If Kansi is a prisoner of war involved in the Islam-vs-USA war, then under international law, a POW must not be executed.

[A fashion show, featuring Islamic styles of dress, will be held on October 26. For tickets contact:]
All workshops and the 3rd Annual Benefit Fashion Show will be held at the Country Inn and Suites-Airport South, 1808 Phoenix Blvd., College Park, GA. Call (770) 991-1099 for directions.

OCTOBER 26. 9:00 am-11:00 Registration (on site $60 adult/$35 children (age 11 and under). (Half price for students with ID.)

Magnolia Room

10 am-12:30 pm Islamic Family Support Group-Topics: Zina (Sexual Misconduct in Islam) and Living Peacefully in the Family.

12:30 pm Salatul-Dhur and Lunch Break
(Gourmet Bag Lunch)

1:15 pm-3:30 pm Dr. Kaukab Siddique and Jamaat al-Muslimeen, Topics: Political Prisoners Before and After 9/11 and Domestic Violence in the Muslim Ummah.

Five Minute Break

3:35 pm-5:00 pm Leila Diab Topic: The Palestinan Question: Years of Occupation, Year of Indecision

Dogwood Room

11 am-12 noon Malika Yamini
Topic: Parenting in a Crisis

1:15 pm 2:30 pm Imam Nadim Ali
Topic: Islamic Alcohol/Drug Rehabilitation

Oak Room

9am-4 pm Photo Exhibit: The Life of Palestinians: Culture, Quest for Hope, Dreams and Peace

This will also be the vendors room (very limited) first to call starting Thursday, October 17 will be signed up. Setup starting at 9 am, breakdown 8 pm. Must have room cleared by 9 pm. Vending Fee only $25 for the day, must bring your own table.

All rooms not sold by midnight on Monday, October 14 will be returned to the hotel inventory. Ask for the National Meeting Rate of $69+ tax (up to four to a room). Call the hotel now at (770) 991-1099.

Early registration ends Tuesday, October 15 at midnight $50 adult/$25 child. Individual workshops $15 per person.

Late Registration begins on 10/16 and continues until the end of the first workshop on October 26. Late registration is $60 adult/$35 children (age 11 and under). All individual workshops will be $25 per person.

To register email and send your fee(s) via or send your name, mailing address, telephone number and email address to:

National Meeting 2002
c/o Baitul Salaam Network, Inc.
PO Box 11041
Atlanta GA 30310-0041

2002-10-14 Mon 16:15ct