News  #  2047
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28 Safar 1446 AH - September 1 2024 Issue # 9, Newsletter #2047

Scroll down for report on "Too Much Corporate Power Equals High Prices" by Sr. Aisha , "Criteria for Who is Going to Heaven" by Sr. Yasmin , and a Remembrance of Ahmaud Arberry by Nadrat Siddique

Editorial Corner with Dr. Kaukab Siddique

Bangladesh after Hasina and Modi

On August 29, 2024, Bangladesh's female dictator Sheikh Hasina fled to India by army helicopter. She barely escaped, as a large crowd of protestors headed toward her palace, ultimately storming it. Her situation is precarious because the opposition is calling for her extradition. The people of Bangladesh want to try Hasina for the three fake elections she carried out while she was in power. And, Muhammad Yunus, the new president who is a Nobel Laureate, has cancelled her diplomatic visa.

Hasina has overseen serious crimes against the people of Bangladesh. An estimated 400 young people were killed by members of the Awami League (AL), a party formed by Hasina.

In addition to the people whose killings she oversaw, more than 600 government opponents disappeared on her watch. And- she put her top opponents, including women in prison. Among these was Khaleda Zia, the chief Muslim woman opposition leader. In 2018, Zia was sentenced to 17 years on supposed corruption charges.

Actions by the new Bangladeshi Government

As we go to press, the new government is releasing Khaleda Zia. They are also releasing other political prisoners held in Hasina's prisons. The government has also removed the ban against Jamaat-e-Islami, the leading Islamic party in Bangladesh.

India's Pernicious Role

With its opening of the Dunbar Dam, India has attacked and undermined Bangladesh's survival. India opened the dam without warning, adding to the existing floods.

Modi had talks with Biden about events in Bangladesh. Evidently both Islamophobes are worried about Muslim power in South Asia. Business men who had come from India hoping to profit from cheap labor and lax labor laws in Hasina's Bangladesh are rushing back to India.

The removal of Hasina has been a great defeat for the supporters of India, and a victory for the Muslims of Bangladesh.

Afghanistan: Why Did the Taliban Win?

It was a clearcut victory for the Taliban in Afghanistan. After 20 years of war, the Americans and their supporters withdrew unconditionally. Afghan contractors and their families, as well as others taken in by the cultural imperialism spread by the U.S., appeared desperate to leave with their masters, as they had become accustomed to a Western lifestyle, very different from that of the average Afghan.

The Afghan puppet army, as well as the contractors, who fought for the U.S. were heavily armed and well trained. However, they were soundly defeated by the Taliban, and suffered heavy casualties because they did not want to fight.

On the final days of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, these Afghan army puppets and contractors gathered at Kabul airport. The idea had spread that they might be allowed to come to the U.S.

Biden did the U.S. a favor by withdrawing from Afghanistan. It was not a fight which the U.S. could win. The war had dragged on for over a decade, until it was clear that there was no chance the invaders would win.

The casualties among the puppet Afghan army numbered in the thousands after the first few battles. Afghan army troops, when faced by Taliban, would run. And when they ran, they still were killed.

Afghan Women's Role

The impression one gets is that because Afghan women do not dance and sing, and don't do the things American women do, they are weak, lacking, or oppressed. But that is not true. No jihad can be carried out in any country without the support of the women.

The women of Afghanistan played a major role in fighting the Americans. It was not a combat role, but a vital role nonetheless. They gave support to their men in a variety of ways.

In many cases, the incredibly shy Afghan women allowed mujahideen safe haven by opening their homes to the fighters, even when they were alone, something otherwise unheard of in ultra-conservative Afghan society.

And Afghan men, in turn, respect their women to the utmost. One example of this comes from Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef, the ambassador to Pakistan for the Taliban during their first reign, who was imprisoned by the U.S. and held in Guantanamo. He wrote in his book that he went all the way from the south of Afghanistan, where he was at the time, to the north to fight. Why? He wanted to be near his mother, who was elderly and sick.

So, the Western narrative about Afghan women being totally hapless and hopeless (because they are not dancing and singing!) is a very one-sided one. Yes, there may be some Afghan women, who are influenced by the American invaders, who feel left out because they can't mimic their American counterparts. But the majority are very deeply Islamic.

One major complaint by Western-influenced Afghan women and their sympathizers is that they are not getting an education. But many Afghan women and girls are in Islamic schools (madrassas) which still exist. Afghans simply do not want them to become like American women.

Some Afghan women are shy and perhaps they need to be more vocal and get the rights which Islam gives them. Are Afghan women being crushed under the Taliban government as is claimed? We don't fully know and perhaps this needs to be investigated. A neutral authority is needed for such an investigation, not a body which seeks to force Western values on a Muslim country. Many of the investigating bodies are from the west, and arrive in Afghanistan with a Eurocentric agenda and preconceived notions about what women's liberation should look like in a Muslim country.


Pakistan is making a big mistake in its campaigns in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. They are not willing to negotiate with the Pakistani Taliban (TTP). The Pakistani army actually claims that those it's trying to crush are not Muslims, and will go to hell because they are fighting a Muslim Army, i.e., the Pakistan Army! The reports about the fighting come from the Pakistan Army's media wing, and are very one sided. Pakistan is focused on crushing the TTP. And for the first time, Pakistan has started deporting Afghans. This is a very shameful thing, and contrary to the spirit of Islam.

Pakistanis should realize their first duty is to liberate Kashmir from Indian occupation, and not to fight Muslims who are standing for Sharia. Pakistan was made for Sharia.

West Bank, Occupied Palestine

The Israelis, with their tanks, aircraft, and artillery, have brought death and destruction to three middle class Palestinian towns. These are Palestinians who have been living average, middle class lives. They were not fighters. They were not Hamas. In fact, one might say they were "living the life," even while surrounded by Zionists who hate them and wanted to kill them.

The Israelis had zero regard for their rights. For three days, the Israeli Occupation Force (IOF) has been brutalizing these goody-two-shoes Palestinians, who don't support Hamas. It is tragic that the West Bank Palestinians did not seem to realize their fate would be the same as the Gazan refugees, who are being bombed out of existence by the criminal Zionist entity.

The Israeli aim seems to be to create a hostile and dangerous climate in the West Bank for Palestinians, in an effort to force them out.

Editorial comment: It is New Trend's hope that someone in the Muslim world will rise to the aid of the helpless, unarmed West Bank Palestinians. Otherwise, the Zionists will kill them, too, and take their land. It is the right and the duty (under both International Law and Islamic Law) of the people in the West Bank to resist occupation and oppression. It is a mistake to think that because you do not confront a vicious occupier, that the occupier will not confront you.

News within the United States

Activists Remember Black Runner Murdered in Atlanta
By Nadrat Siddique

Over the weekend, I did the "Run for Maud 5k," an event held both in person (in Atlanta, GA), and virtually. Being in Maryland, I selected the virtual version. I'd just finished a grueling 10-hour work shift, plus four hours of responsibilities as a caregiver, and was on four hours of sleep. I wanted nothing better than to go home and crash. But, I just had to run for Maud.

We remember Ahmaud Arberry (May 8, 1994 - February 23, 2020).

Every murder of an innocent should shake us to the core. But, as a runner, this one particularly grips my soul. Why? It was the murder of a young man in the prime of his life. (Ahmaud was just 25 when he was killed.)

He was engaged in my favorite activity in the whole world, running. Like me, running was his passion. In addition to running, he'd made his mark on the sports arena: He was a star football player at his high school.

On the day that Ahmaud was killed, he wasn't hurting anyone. He was just out for a jog, and made the "mistake" of stopping by a home which was under construction, likely to admire it.

The home, it seemed, was "on the wrong side of the railroad tracks."

White racists- three of them- chased him down in their gun-laden pickup trucks. One of them struck him with his truck before death. Another of them briefly fought the cornered young man, who tried at first to cross to the other side of the street to get away from the attackers, then realized he had no choice but to fight for his life.

Then, one or more of the White racist/terrorists opened fire on Ahmaud. He was hit three times, including in two different parts of the chest. He was still alive when the police arrived. They were very friendly with Ahmaud's assailants. In a pattern typical of the old boys' club, which protects White males regardless of what infractions they commit against Black or Brown people, two of the three attackers had a law enforcement background.

Not surprisingly, the DA's office refused to issue any arrest warrants for two months, and only did so in response to massive protests, including by the New Black Panther Party, NAACP, and others.

This is terrorism directed at America's black population. It reminds me of the White Supremacist/Zionist terror directed against young Palestinian men in Gaza. They, too, can't walk or run down the streets in their own neighborhood without fear of assault, jailing, kidnapping, or death, by people who think they are more entitled to be there than anyone else.

The Run with Maud 5k is held every August to mark Ahmaud's birthday. It is organized by the Ahmaud Arberry Foundation, with proceeds going to create safe places for black boys to run. You can walk, run, or donate:

The Ahmaud Arberry Foundation was set up by Wanda Cooper-Jones, Ahmaud's extremely courageous mother, who made it her aim to create safe spaces for Black boys to learn, to grow, and to run. May the Creator give her solace and strength as she celebrates her son's birthday knowing he will never return from another run.

#BlackLivesMatter #PalestinianLivesMatter

#RunForMaud #FreePalestine

Latest War News

Khan Yunus, Palestine
Ancient Mosque Blown Up by Israeli Occupation Forces

Al-Jazeera reported August 23 that Israeli occupation forces detonated the ancient Greater Mosque in Khan Yunis. Another video from an Israeli soldier's GoPro captured the raiding of a mosque and the burning of all Quran copies inside.

Comment by Nadrat Siddique:

On top of murdering innocent women and babies, the Israeli Occupation Forces are in the business of destroying Islamic historical sites. So where are all the Western talking heads who were screaming when the Taliban blew up the Bamiyan Buddha statues?


In a US and Iraqi regime joint military airborne operation, 15 Islamic State fighters were killed, and 7 US troops were injured. More than 900 US troops are in the area. Islamic State fighters are seen as a threat to the regime and US military dominance. The Shia regime in Baghdad, and Western powers continue to help each other.

Too Much Corporate Power Equals High Price
By Sis. 'Aisha
Jamaat al-Muslimeen New York City

Although the interest rates are lower, inflated prices are still here. Why?

According to Robert Reich, a staunch Democrat and former U.S. Secretary of Labor, a monopoly is the reason for high gas, food, and rental prices.

In a previous article, I wrote about RealPage's alleged rental price fixing. They handle over sixteen million apartments nationwide! It's reported that the corporations working with RealPage have collectively amassed over $300 million dollars in profits so far while spending a third of their earnings, making shareholders wealthy by buying back their shares.

In 2022, the top five oil companies (Chevron, Shell, BP, Exxon, & TotalEnergies) made $200 billion dollars in profits from inflated gas prices. They spent $100 billion on stock buybacks and dividends, which made their shareholders wealthier.

The Federal Trade Commission alleges that a big oil executive colluded with OPEC (an Arab-owned oil conglomerate) to limit OPEC's oil supply, which would increase gas prices. According to capitalism, low supply drives up prices. Allegedly, this backroom deal has been in effect for the last few years. This has cost American vehicle owners an average of $2000 a year.

Meat producers have allegedly colluded to drive up meat prices. Only four companies handle meat processing in America: Cargill, Tyson, Marfrig, and JBS. These companies allegedly use a pricing tool from Agri Stats to share data and set food prices.

Reich says neither government spending, the 2020 lockdown, nor modest wage increases are to blame for these high prices. He blames too much corporate power. Monopolies.

The Justice Department is investigating RealPages's alleged rental price fixing and has launched a "massive lawsuit" against Agri Stats. The Federal Trade Commission is also suing to block the mega-merger of Kroger and Albertsons, two major grocery corporations, which would surely drive up food prices even more. House Democrats are investigating the oil conglomerates for price fixing based on the FTC's report.
Reich is adamant that everyone play a role in monitoring corporations and stopping them from profiting at our detriment.

(Source: YouTube - Robert Reich: "Here's Why Prices Are Still High")

Guidance From Sr. Yasmin

Levels of People in the 'Akhirah' (Hereafter)

The Highest Level is that of the Messengers...

[may Allah extol and grant them perfect peace and security]

and they are of three [3] levels...

the highest of them being...

#1) 'Those firmest in resolve' [Ulul-'Azm]

Prophet's Nooh, Ibraheem, Moosa, 'Eesa and Muhammad,

[may Allah extol and grant them peace & security] then...

#2) Those besides them from the Messengers ['Rusul'] then...

#3) The Prophets [al-Anbiyaa] those who were not sent

as Messengers their nations, and then...

#4) The Truest and Sincerest followers of the Messengers~


the inheritors of the Messengers, those who established

what the Messengers had been sent with, in their knowledge, actions and in calling to Allah, & then...

#5) The just Imams and Rulers, & then...

#6) Those who strove and fought 'Jihad' in Allah's cause,

with their wealth and their persons, & then...

#7) Those who preferred others over themselves...!

treated the people with goodness and performed

charitable acts... & then...

#8 ) Those for whom Allah opened

a door to the performance of

good which was restricted to themselves such as

Prayer, Charity, Fasting, Hajj and so on, then...

#9) The Level of the people of salvation,

and they were those who carried out Allah's obligations

and avoided that which He prohibited, &then...

#10) The level of a people who wronged themselves and committed major sins forbidden by Allah... !

however Allah granted them sincere repentance before death.

So they died upon sincere repentance,

so Allah accepted their repentance, and then...

#11) The level of a people who combined righteous deeds

and evil deeds, meeting Allah whilst persisting

upon their sins and not repentant.

However their good deeds outweighed their evil deeds:

the balance of the good they did being heavier.

So they are also saved and successful, and then...

#12) A people whose good and evil deeds were equal,

and they are the companions of the Heights [al-A'raaf ]

which is a place between the Paradise and the

Hell fire; and they will eventually enter Paradise, & then...

#13) The level of those who were afflicted and put to 'Tahdeeth' [Trial]~

(We ask Allah for well being and security...Aameen.)

and they were Muslims whose scales were light:

[their evil deeds outweighed their good deeds.]

There are 'Ahaadeeth' concerning them showing that they

will enter the Fire and will be in it in accordance with their deeds; and then they will come out of it through the intercession of those who intercede and the Mercy

of the Most Merciful who shows mercy, & then...

#14) A people who had no acts of obedience or disobedience, nor Unbelief, nor true Faith ['Eemaan'], and they are of different types; from them are those who the true call did

not reach; and from them is the insane person who did not possess intellect; and from them is the deaf person who

never heard anything; and from them are the children of

the 'Mushriks' who died before being able to correctly

discern anything. So the scholars differ concerning them,

having eight positions.

The most correct of these is that they will be tested on the Day of Resurrection, and a Messenger will be sent to them there: whoever obeys him will enter Paradise and whoever disobeys him will enter Hellfire. Because Allah does not punish anyone until Proof is established upon him and he then turns away from it and obstinately refuses it,

ALLAH , the Most High said...

"And We do not punish until We send a Messenger."

[Source: 'Qur`an' Surat al-Isra 17: A #15]

#15) The level of the Hypocrites ['al-Munafiqoon'] who outwardly displayed Islam but inwardly concealed Unbelief ['Kufr'], and they are in the lowest depth of

the Fire, then...

#16) The heads of Unbelief ['Kufr'],

its leaders and its callers, & then...

#17) The level of those Unbelievers who were blind-followers

and ignorant ones, and the 'Ummah' are agreed that

they are Unbelievers, and lastly...

#18) The level of Jinn, and they were bound with duties-

liable to reward of punishment in accordance

with their deeds.

ALLAH, the Most High, said---

"And for all there will be degrees in accordance with what they did, so that He may fully recompense them for their deeds, and they will not be wronged."

[Source: Qur`an ~ Surah-Ahqaf~ 46~ A # 19]

'Our Lord! Bestow on us Mercy from Your presence

and dispose of our affairs for us in the right way'...'Aameen'~

[ Source~Qur`an~18:10 ]

2024-09-01 Sun 19:45:45 GMT/UTC/Zulu