News  #  2041
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15 Muharram 1446 AH - July 21 2024 Issue # 3, Newsletter #2041

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In June 2024, our website received 59,006 hits. This is despite the fact that New Trend publication resumed only two weeks ago. Major appreciation goes to our webmaster, Br. Rich, for his consistent hard work.

Think About It!
Law was used to destroy Trump. Law failed and Trump survived. Vance, the new Vice Presidential nominee seems to be aware of America's problems.

However, every segment of the Republican Party from the 50 states was represented at the huge convocation in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. None of them mentioned--directly or indirectly--the massacres and slaughter being committed by Israel in Palestine against women and children. During the billion-dollar drama, student groups outside the perimeter were protesting against the war and for women's rights. The media ignored them.

In the meantime, a pro-Israel group known as Human Rights Watch spewed out the outrageous claim that Hamas had done worse than Israel, so both are equally culpable. Americans are happy to know that Hamas is as bad as Israel, if not worse.

No wonder readers are confused. Hamas has responded to the HRW criticism by saying it is completely biased and full of lies.


Every day Israel carries out a massacre in Palestine. Note this example: This weekend Al-Jazeerah published an outline of the life of Mohammed Deif, a top Islamic leader of Hamas. People in his hometown in Gaza were massacred by Israeli Air Force The latest death count is 90, killed by the Jews. These were mostly women and children. Among those killed by the Jewish Air Force were Deif's wife and child. The fighter not only survived but reminded the Zionists that they must withdraw from Palestine. The occupiers hate him because he devised the tunnel system which helped Palestine to survive the Zionist onslaught using fighter jets and tanks provided by USA and Germany to Israel.

"I cannot equate those who simply become Muslim with those who struggled for the victory of Islam." [ Caliph Umar (RA), p.158 The Life of Ibn Qayyim]

Other War News


(from Dr. Firoz Kamal)

Shaikh Hasina is in real crisis.

Massive student protest against reservation of 56 percent government jobs for the children and grandchildren of those who fought for independence in 1971. It is a huge issue that united the students against the government.

The student leaders of the ruling party are ousted from university halls.

The streets are under the control of students.

But all the opposition parties are still not fully engaged in the movement.

If all the opposition parties get united and join the movement, probably this is the golden opportunity to oust Hasina. Let us pray for the best.

More War News

Trump says that his forces killed Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the Caliph of ISIS.

Today ISIS showed that it is very much alive. Today TTP, along with ISIS, attacked the Bannu military base of Pakistan and inflicted heavy losses.

Also today, they attacked a sect in Oman.

The next attack was in Kashmir. It seems to have been carried out with local support.
New attacks are being reported from Syria and Iraq as well as northern Mozambique. Last month, the fighters attacked in Moscow in revenge for what Russia did to Chechnia.

$1 Million Illegal Cannabis Bust in NYC

By Sr. 'Aisha

Jamaat al-Muslimeen New York City

Recently, there was a major illegal Cannabis bust in NYC. Over $1 million in illegal Cannabis was seized by law enforcement. There have been complaints about the legal Cannabis shops in our communities, and these illegal shops pose another problem.

These Cannabis stores have store names written in graffiti font. Brightly colored items (imported potato chips, energy drinks, etc.) are prominently displayed in their store windows and shelves, which attracts school kids. These stores don't just sell Cannabis; they also sell vapes, which have public service announcements warning about their hazardous nature. Children don't belong in these stores, but it is no different than seeing a "tobacco & candy store" sign fifty years ago.

Government warnings against purchasing illegal Cannabis are that it may contain other harmful drugs, such as fentanyl, that can harm or kill users. But, one big issue is the competition with legalized Cannabis stores that the government profits from with its licensing fees and taxes. However, there have been over $6 million in fines filed against illegal Cannabis store owners so far, but will New York State be able to collect?

These illegal stores are aided and abetted by landlords who allow these stores to open near neighborhood schools and daycare centers. Unscrupulous landlords gladly take rental fees that illegal Cannabis dealers voluntarily offer over and above the asking price. Landlords need to be arrested and jailed, too.

Many landlords own multiple properties. It is possible that one landlord may be renting space to multiple illegal Cannabis store owners. As usual, the war on drugs has been setup to fail right from the start because the government targets the weakest link rather than the people with the power to enable its distribution. Sure, there will be more busts, but this time, neighborhood activists are aware of all the players involved to be fooled, especially since many of these illegal stores have been replaced with new illegal Cannabis store owners.

Unfortunately, many legal New York City Cannabis stores are owned by Southeast Asian "Muslims." All intoxicants are haram (Holy Qur'an 5:90), and it is even worse to distribute them to others. They are unconcerned about the illegalities/legalities according to the Qur'an, only with state laws.

(Source: Yahoo! News &

Guidance from Sr. Yasmin

'Muharram' is the first month of the Hijri calendar and is one of the Four {4} sacred months concerning which... the Qur'an says


#1/ ~Dhul - Qa`dah.
#2/~ Dhul-Hijjah.


[Source~ Bukhari Vol~ 004, Book # 054, Hadith # 419]

'Ashura'~ [meaning tenth in Arabic]

The 10th of Muharram.

Fasting on the 10th Muharram 'Ashura'

was obligatory on the Muslims before the fasts

of 'Ramadan' were made obligatory.

Narrated by the Mother of the Believers Aisha (Allah be pleased with her) ---

The people used to fast on 'Ashura'

{the tenth (10th) day of the month of 'Muharram'}

before the fasting of 'Ramadan' was made obligatory,

and on that day the 'Kaaba'

used to be covered with a cover.

When Allah made the fasting of the month

of 'Ramadan' compulsory.

PROPHET {may peace be upon him} said...

'Whoever wishes to fast (on the day of 'Ashura')

may do so and whoever wishes

to leave it can do so'.

[ Source: 'Bukhari' Vol 02, Book 026, Hadith # 662. ]

Abu Qatada al-Ansari (Allah be pleased with him) reported that...

The Messenger of Allah {peace be upon him}

was asked about fasting on the day of

'Ashura' {10th of Muharram}

whereupon he said...

It expiates the sins of the preceding year...{!}

{Source~ Muslim: Book 06: Hadith # 2603}

ALLAH {Azzawajal } says in the 'Qur`an'...

'Surely the number of months with Allah is

Twelve months in ALLAH'S ordinance since the day

when HE created the heavens and the earth,

of these four being sacred;

that is the right reckoning;

therefore be not unjust to yourselves

regarding them'.

[Source: 'Qur`an' ~Surat At-Taubah ~ 9~ Verse # 36]

'Muharram' is one of the four {4} sacred

months out of twelve {12}

The others being...



and Rajab.

These four months have been sacred

since the creation of universe.

ALLAH {Azza wa Jal } says in the 'Qur`an'...

'Muharram' is a sacred month because Allah

made it sacred along with three other months and told us about it in the 'Qur`an'.


informed us about the Four sacred months

in the following narration...

'The year is of Twelve months, out of which

Four {4} months are sacred.

Three {3} are in succession---

#1/ ~Dhul - Qa`dah.

#2/~ Dhul-Hijjah.



[Source~ Bukhari Vol~ 004, Book # 054, Hadith # 419]

'Ashura'~ [meaning tenth in Arabic]

The 10th of Muharram.

Fasting on the 10th Muharram 'Ashura'

was obligatory on the Muslims before the fasts

of 'Ramadan' were made obligatory.

Narrated by the Mother of the Believers Aisha (Allah be pleased with her) ---

The people used to fast on 'Ashura'

{the tenth (10th) day of the month of 'Muharram'}

before the fasting of 'Ramadan' was made obligatory,

and on that day the 'Kaaba'

used to be covered with a cover.

When Allah made the fasting of the month

of 'Ramadan' compulsory.

PROPHET {may peace be upon him} said...

'Whoever wishes to fast (on the day of 'Ashura')

may do so and whoever wishes

to leave it can do so'.

[Source: 'Bukhari' Vol 02, Book 026, Hadith # 662. ]

Abu Qatada al-Ansari (Allah be pleased with him) reported that...

The Messenger of Allah {peace be upon him}

was asked about fasting on the day of

'Ashura' {10th of Muharram}

whereupon he said...

It expiates the sins of the preceding year...{!}

{Source~ Muslim: Book 06: Hadith # 2603}

2024-07-21 Sun 20:14:10 GMT/UTC/Zulu